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President Joe Biden Had Former President Donald Trump Arrested Twice But is Still Trailing Behind Him In The Polls

June 19. 2023

Joe Biden is unpopular with the American people

U.S. President Joe Biden abused his post to have top rival Donald Trump arrested, not once, but twice, and is still trailing in the polls. Former President Trump and Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, are still ahead of Biden in the polls regarding the 2024 presidential elections. Trump is still the most popular politician in the country. Democratic rival, John F. Kennedy Jr., is catching up on Biden as well.

Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump are soundly beating Biden in the polls

The world can see that feeble, senile Biden is unfit to be President of the United States. It is not his age, but his lack of mental and physical fitness, which makes his unqualified to be president. Americans are embarrassed by Biden's constant gaffes and falls. People can see there are things wrong with him.

Robert F. Kenny Jr is catching up to Biden in the polls and in only a few weeks, which has alarmed Biden and his handlers

The American people can also see Biden is lying about the economy being great and inflation taking massive declines. It's the equivalent of telling the whole country it is sunny, but every time they step outside it's raining and the water is rising, indicating there is a serious problem. Just so, when you release false economic figures, but people can still see high prices at grocery stores, gas stations and in the rental and home buying markets, they know things are bad and you are lying as president, after having destroyed the economy.

Side Bar: this charade can't continue so Barack Obama can illegally be president again. Biden is a figurehead who is old and sick. Time is running out on him. The country has sustained massive damage under Biden and the worse is yet to come if you leave him in there.


Why Biden polls so low on the economy — and what he is trying to do about it

Sun, June 18, 2023 at 10:25 AM EDT - It’s a feature of Biden’s 2024 re-election effort so far that is surely causing heartburn in his inner circle: not only are the president’s overall approval ratings low but voters usually rate his performance on the crucial issue of the economy even lower.

Here are just a few examples from recent weeks. A Harvard/Harris poll has Biden’s approval rating at 43% with his economic rating down at 39%. A CBS/YouGov survey has the president with an approval rating of 41% and an economic rating down at 36%. Reuters/Ipsos has the numbers coming in at 41% and 35%, respectively...


Government Job Numbers Make No Sense

 Thursday, Jun 15, 2023 - 03:50 PM - The Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) released new jobs data on Friday. According to the report, seasonally adjusted total nonfarm jobs rose 339,000 jobs in May, well above forecasts. The unemployment rate rose slightly from 3.4 percent to 3.7 percent (month over month).

Headlines in the mainstream media declared the headline employment data to be evidence of very strong job growth and economic success. According to Politico, the latest jobs numbers are evidence of a "remarkable resilience of President Joe Biden’s economy" and NPR declared the job market to be "sizzling hot."

Yet, May appears to be yet another month in which it seems nearly every economic indicator except the payroll jobs data points to an economic slowdown. The Philadelphia Fed's manufacturing index is in recession territory. The Empire State Manufacturing Survey is, too. The Leading Indicators index keeps looking worse. The yield curve points to recession. Even Federal Reserve staffers, who generally take an implausibly rosy view of the economy, predict recession in 2023. Individual bankruptcy filings were up 23 percent in May. Temp jobs were down, year-over-year, which often indicates approaching recession.

So how do we square all this with yet another jobs report that claims to tell us that the job market is the best it's been in decades?

Well, a lot of the jobs data isn't actually very good. The headlines have focused on the so-called Establishment Survey which is a survey of employers and shows only the number of positions, not the number of employed persons. The Household survey, on the other hand, surveys people...




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