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President Joe Biden Slammed On Television For Failing In All His Coronavirus Pandemic Promises

January 4. 2022

President Joe Biden's mind is gone

Today’s episode of “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” explored the fact U.S. President, Joe Biden, has failed at every turn in his pledges to battle the coronavirus, among other things. Biden has failed in everything from coronavirus containment to the economy.

Yesterday, America experienced over 1,000,000 coronavirus cases, which is a record number in the pandemic, which began 2-years ago. America has actually hit 1,000,000 cases per day.

It has prompted some politicians, such as Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, to order Floridians to stop getting coronavirus tests unless they are virulently ill. However, DeSantis can’t be trusted. Florida has become another coronavirus epicenter in America. DeSantis was artificially and fraudulently keeping the numbers low via unethical, deceitful means.

While campaigning to be President of the United States, Biden pledged if elected he would “shut it down” in reference to the coronavirus. 1-year later the virus is worse than ever in America under two unprecedented surges in a row (delta and omicron).

Coronavirus hospitalizations are up 41% in America. 21 U.S. states have record hospitalizations. Maryland has declared a state of emergency due to the overwhelming number of coronavirus cases. There are also massive medical labor shortages, as some employees refused the coronavirus vaccines (and with good reason) then were fired.

Other vaccinated employees are not coming into work as the omicron variant of coronavirus is so highly transmissible they do not want to contract it and or spread it to their loved ones. Things are so bad in some U.S. states that medical staff infected with coronavirus are being told to come into work wearing a mask if they are showing mild symptoms (as stated on “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt“).

“NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt“ also hammered Biden on other failed promises, such as the president publicly stating every American would have free at home coronavirus testing kits via mail, which would be, “Going out in early January.” However, Biden just publicly admitted he has failed in this promise, as there is no website for the free tests, and as the president stated he, “Still has not finalized a contract with tests manufacturers.”

Once again, more failed promises from Biden who has not gotten anything done in the year he has been in office. That is a symptom of dementia, which Biden has, as sufferers of the disease make outlandish statements they can’t back up or do. Biden has done this repeatedly.

Just because one is president doesn’t mean one can snap one’s fingers and everything gets done like magic. That’s not how things work. Real politicians know that. It takes thorough and proper planning, as well as careful logistics to get such things implemented.

Some governors want Biden to be quiet regarding issuing orders everyone in America be tested for coronavirus (330,000,000 people), as one governor stated, “We don’t have enough tests to go around.” This is true. America does not have 330,000,000 tests on hand.

Biden’s CDC is also failing. Not only did the CDC tell the public to remove their masks far to soon in the pandemic, in a directive that massively backfired (America Is Experiencing A Dire 10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To Take Off Their Masks) they are also being heavily criticized for reducing quarantine time to 5-days. They are further being slammed for publicly stating, “no negative test is required to get out of 5-day isolation” while critics "state people are still contagious.”

Dr. Dwayne Breining of Northwell Health in New York revealed, “Omicron went from 20% to 80% percent of cases” in America, as his lab has been inundated with positive tests results due to the variant. Biden does not have anything under control and this is very serious.


America Is Experiencing A Dire 10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To Take Off Their Masks

President Joe Biden Finally Admits He Doesn't Know What He Is Doing Regarding The Pandemic As He Has 'No Federal Answers'

Coronavirus Pandemic Was Worsened In America By President Joe Biden's Bad Advice To The Nation Which Cost Lives



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