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Rapper 21 Savage Arrested In Atlanta As An Illegal Immigrant

February 4. 2019

On Sunday Twitter was in complete hysterics at the news the top male rapper in America, 21 Savage, who was thought to be an American, is actually a Brit. The jokes were hilarious, but his situation is not. Let’s take a look at it.

26-year-old rapper 21 Savage, real name Sha Yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, was arrested this past weekend in Atlanta, Georgia on charges of being an illegal immigrant. ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) stated 21 Savage is illegally in America. ICE also stated he will be deported to Britain.

Savage is indeed illegally in America, as he overstayed his 1-year visa. Savage came to America in 2005 at age 12. His parents really should have taken care of all immigration matters concerning him, but he should not be punished for their failure to do so, as he was a minor. A birth certificate has surfaced indicating Savage was born in Newham (east London) in Britain. The birth certificate reveals his mother was born in east London as well. Savage’s dad was born in south London.

Savage is said to be worth $10,000,000. He can afford to comfortably live in Britain again. Being deported to Britain will not hurt his career either, as there are many rappers and recording studios waiting to embrace him. Many international artists, such as Drake, also record in Britain.

However, Savage has attachments to Atlanta. He has paid taxes in America, done a lot in the way of charity for the community in Atlanta and has ties to the city. He also has three children who were born in America. He has been cleaning up his image, in trying to teach kids how to invest and be more socially conscious.

While his style of music (explicit and violent themes) is not my cup of tea, pardon the pun (get it, the British love tea) for ICE to state he has a “fake persona” is not accurate. He moved to America as a minor and grew up in Atlanta, his home of the past 14-years. Therefore, I don’t think he was acting or pretending. As he was 12 when the immigration incident occurred, regarding his visa expiring, rendering him an illegal immigrant, he should be treated with leniency.

Another complication in the matter is Savage has a felon gun conviction on his record from the year 2014. Under U.S. law, even naturalized immigrants (foreigners who become U.S. citizens) can be deported if they have a felony conviction, due to a law former U.S. President Bill Clinton brought in during his term in office.

Savage being deported to Britain could prove problematic as well. The current Prime Minister, Theresa May, the most evil the nation has ever seen, is a white nationalist dedicated to purging Britain of all non-white people, who are not British by ancestry. She has been disgracefully and deceitfully purging Commonwealth and EU citizens, whom the British government had previously granted indefinitely leave to remain in the nation, after unethically and sinisterly destroying all evidence they lawfully landed in Britain.

There was a disgusting case in the press regarding a young white male, Shane Ridge, whose father is British (as are his dad’s ancestors), but his mother was born in the Commonwealth nation of Australia. Shane was sent deportation papers, despite the fact he was born and raised in Britain.

The Home Office, a branch of the British government that handles immigration matters, informed Shane via letter that because both of his parents were not lawfully born in Britain and were not married at the time he was born, he is not a British citizen and must leave immediately. This is the kind of insanity running through Theresa May’s racist, xenophobic veins.

Due to the fact Shane’s story was picked up in the press and there was a loud public outcry on social networking, the Home Office reversed its crazy position. However, had it not gone public, this innocent Englishman would have been thrown out of his country and sent to a land he‘s never been to in his life. Therefore, 21 Savage needs to find the best immigration attorneys he can to handle his cases. We are living in strange times where xenophobia, racism and hate are the order of the day.


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