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Rapper Flo Rida Slammed For Referring To His Mentally Disabled 19-Month-Old Son As An 'Evil F**king Child'

May 16. 2018

Flo Rida

Kabbalah cult member, Flo Rida, real name Tramar Dillard, has been slammed by 34-year-old, Alexis Adams, the mother of his 19-month-old mentally disabled son, Zohar, for his verbally abusive behavior. Zohar is the name of the Kabbalah cult's so-called religious book, which they push on all members of the disturbed  sect. However, many Jews have denounced Kabbalah stating it is not real Judaism but a dangerous, crazy cult and studying the Zohar creates severe mental illness.

Alexis has done a tell-all via the widely read Daily Mail, complaining about Flo Rida's disgraceful behavior towards her and his son. Flo Rida is a promiscuous famous man, who has been having sex with a number of women, but is not serious about any of them. There are a number of famous men engaging in this dangerous lifestyle.

Alexis is a groupie, who was on the pole as a stripper. Alexis was convicted of extortion in 2012 when she tried to extort $200,000 from married NBA coach Mark Jackson, regarding nude photos he sent her via text. Jackson went to the police and Alexis was prosecuted and pled guilty, taking the plea deal.

Alexis met Flo Rida and became one of his groupies. She says they were in a relationship, which he denies, as they were just sex partners. She knew he had other women and decided to have a baby for him without telling him first. Many women who date famous men make that mistake, believing it will force the man to commit to them in marriage. It never works with famous men. Alexis found out the hard way when Flo Rida became angry at the news of her pregnancy and told her to abort the baby. However, she refused.

Initially, Flo Rida denied the baby is his, refused to give Alexis money, shunned her during the pregnancy and "sent vile insults about her unborn child." She states it was a high risk pregnancy, as her doctor discovered during her second trimester that the baby is mentally disabled, due to the condition Hydrocephalus, which is the accumulation of fluid on the brain.

Alexis Adams and Zohar, who is a beautiful little boy

Alexis states Flo Rida called her baby an "evil f**king child" and refused to help her during the pregnancy. He did not attend any medical appointments with her, which occurred every 2-weeks, due to the baby's condition. He denied the baby throughout her pregnancy, which humiliated Alexis to her family and friends who wondered why the father of her baby provided no emotional support.

Alexis revealed it was a stressful pregnancy, due to abandonment from Flo Rida. Stressful pregnancies can create complications and have an adverse effect on an unborn baby. It can impact the unborn baby's health, making the child ill. Pregnant women must avoid stress for the sake of the baby and their own health.

Zohar's birth was filled with complications. Alexis stated, "When he first came out, he didn't cry so we were all nervous. I was losing so much blood and they took him away from me. I remember a lot of doctors, lights, alarms going off. My aunts and mom were staring at me. They told me later they had never seen so much blood. I lost three times the amount of blood than normal and suffered from a stressed hip nerve. I had to relearn how to walk. They kept me in the hospital for eight days."

Alexis' attorney instructed her to contact Flo Rida and inform him his son had been born. However, she states, "He did not respond. Flo Rida was aware of how high risk my pregnancy was and he is entirely aware of Zohar's condition. He does not want any involvement." Flo Rida behaved in this manner because he did not want her to have his baby. Women need to learn to read the signs regarding a man's behavior. He was showing this resentfulness from the moment he found out about the pregnancy.

Once the child was born, a paternity test confirmed the baby is indeed his son, with a 99.9 percent probability. Alexis stated that Flo Rida resentfully turned up at the paternity test and refused to look at the baby. She stated he wore shades and turned his back to the child. That's disgraceful.

Alexis went to the press, as she was angry Flo Rida rejected her and the baby. When stories began coming out in the press about him shunning her and the baby, leaving them in a financially difficult situation, he publicly denied being in a relationship with her and referred to the lawsuit she filed as a "cash grab." 

After she took him to court, Flo Rida began paying child support, but gave less money than the judge ordered. They are in court again, as Alexis does not feel it is enough money for a special needs child. Alexis is also distressed that Flo Rida refuses to spend time with the baby.

This is not the first time Flo Rida has denied fathering a child. In 2013 one of his former women, Natasha Georgette Williams, sued him for child support, as the paternity test proved he is the father of her son, with a 99.99% probability. In 2013, another woman sued Flo Rida for paternity. However, tests revealed Flo Rida did not father Gloria Holloway's baby.

Women need to accept that some famous men are not ready for fatherhood. Forcing it on them can lead to public embarrassment and severe heartbreak. You can't force someone to love you. I see it so often in the entertainment and sports industries regarding women chasing famous men. They find out other women are in the picture and they decide to get pregnant in a bid to scare off all the other women in the man's life, even if it's a girlfriend or fiancée. It never works.

I don't understand why some women do that. Why would you want to get pregnant for a man who doesn't even love you and is either in love with someone else or a playboy who doesn't want a relationship with anyone. However, some women don't care and just want to secure 18-years worth of child support checks from a rich man and to have bragging rights to say so-and-so is the father of their child. However, what happens if the rich famous man goes broke (it happens often) or his fame turns to disgrace (see: OJ Simpson, Harvey Weinstein, among others).

I know no one's marriage is perfect, but I give credit to men like Steph Curry and LeBron James. They didn't deny their kids or the mothers of their children, whom they married. However, those relationships were not about groupies chasing famous men, who used them for sex. Those relationships are about people who dated, fell in love and mutually agreed to commit to each other.


Rapper Flo Rida Cleared By DNA Test Leading To Paternity Determination Against Him Being Revoked



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