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Republicans Pledge To Repeal Obama's Health Care Bill

September 23. 2010

It was announced today during a press conference, Republican, John Boehner, has pledged his party will repeal, U.S. President, Barack Obama's health care bill (PPACA) and are looking to the mid-term elections as a stepping stone to achieving this goal. 

Republicans: Cathy McMorris Rodgers John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy

Months ago, on July 10, 2010, the Judiciary Report warned this could happen in the article entitled Repealed. It would have been beneficial for the nation if President Obama had worked more with the Republicans the health care bill. 

Instead, he in tandem with Nancy Pelosi, haphazardly rammed through a substandard and costly healthcare bill, which has exponentially increased the national deficit, sending it to an all time high, which every American is liable and responsible for repaying. 

Things aren't looking very rosy for Obama as Republicans wish to repeal much of his work as president

Yes, the United States of America needs a solid health care program, but the manner in which, P-CACA, came into being and is being executed, leaves the nation at a great financial disadvantage. There are hidden costs the Obama Administration is not being forthright about, less the public becomes even more displeased. 

Side Bar: Is John Boehner planning on running for President, as he has been more prominent in a number of national issues lately. The next Presidential election is just a couple years away and Republicans and Democrats are already laying plans. 



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