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Rishi Sunak Appointed Prime Minister Of Britain (Video)

October 25. 2022

42-year-old multi-millionaire politician, Rishi Sunak, has been appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The appointment is historic as British born Sunak is the first Indian to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Even though I strongly disagree with the Conservative party's management/politicians, as I've watched them wreck Britain, congrats to you as a person of color, Prime Minister Sunak.

I'm glad for the Indians that a man of color is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I just wish he was a member of the opposing party, Labour, as they care for the working class and show compassion for the poor. Labour are also inclusive.

Let's put it this way, Sunak is smarter than everyone running since former Prime Minister, David Cameron, yet he was chosen as a last resort, after Theresa May's xenophobia and racism, Boris Johnson's madness and ineptitude, and careless Liz Truss's wrecking of the economy last month.

For centuries India and British Indians have made an enormous, invaluable contribution to the United Kingdom. I watched a documentary on how much India did for the United Kingdom and it is immense. Regrettably, at times India was treated very badly by people such as former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, who starved millions to death.

On the whole, modern Britain is not racist. It has come a long way and I'm proud of their progress. It is a great place. I want them to continue to do well. This is why it has pained me to watch their financial and social regression over the past few years under the Conservative party.

Sunak was appointed by members of Parliament within the Conservative party. The British people are demanding a general election and should get one. That is democracy. Britain should not have experienced 5 prime ministers in 6-years, most of whom were appointed not elected.


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