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Robert F. Kennedy Jr Speaks Out In Congress About The Biden Administration Using Federal Agencies And Social Networking Companies To Attack Him And Others (Video)

Biden And Obama Using The IRS, FBI, Google And Facebook To Abuse Politically Outspoken People Who Do Not Agree With Them Including Politicians

Corruption By The Biden Administration Is Evident When The President's Son Hunter Biden Illegally Received Huge Tax Refunds For Prostitutes And Sex Clubs While I Was Unlawfully And Discriminatorily Denied Two Smaller Tax Refunds For College Related Expenses That Many Students Receive

July 21. 2023


This week presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., gave a serious speech in Congress after being criticized and de-platformed for comments he made about COVID vaccines. You Tube, which is owned by Google, yanked a presidential candidate's page, which is not a good look. However, as I stated on this site years ago, then-President Barack Obama, who is now enjoying an illegal third term with figurehead Biden up front, criminally tampered in Google on a regular basis when he was in office as head of state and so did his cronies in Hollywood.

Writers and bloggers, including me, were targeted, harassed and discriminated against, with ads pulled as financial punishment. The Google Adsense ads were pulled on Obama's orders over constitutionally protected speech, because writers and bloggers peacefully disagreed with Obama in articles that criticized his political agenda or for writing items critical of his cronies in Hollywood.

In America, you can't open a platform to the public, as Google and others have done, then censor people and try to force them to say and write what you want or you will take income/ads and their accounts from them. That's not democracy. That's communism. Yet, Google and Facebook actively did so under Obama's instructions in 2008-2016 and now during Biden/Obama's current time in office.

Now that his puppet Biden is in office, Obama is up to his sick old tricks again, as he cannot help himself. Obama and Biden have a sick compulsion with trying to silence people who peacefully disagree with them, and it is undemocratic and unconstitutional. All that weed Obama smoked and cocaine he sniffed has screwed up his brain. Biden is just about brain dead from dementia.

If they continue this unlawful, discriminatory behavior, I predict they will be Google's downfall and ruination in the world. The same for Facebook. Two multi-billion dollar companies financially collapsed under global outrage due to where Obama and Biden's conduct is headed regarding silencing people and tampering in elections. The owners of Google and Facebook will publicly lash out against you two for destroying their companies like two megalomaniacs.

Kennedy Jr brought up the terrible censorship issues transpiring in America under Biden/Obama and made the point that suppressing people will only result in more anger. I stated America is headed for civil war due to the things transpiring in the nation. Shortly after, Biden invited constitutional scholars to the White House and they publicly stated the same thing (Historians Advise Joe Biden America Is Headed For Civil War Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Biden and Obama's behavior, in tandem with entities such as the FBI, among others, is laying the foundation for it to happen. I don't want it to happen, but that's where this conduct from them is headed. Obama, Biden, the FBI and Hollywood, among others, need to stop angering the public with their conduct, especially the inflammatory speech and behaviors. If you push the public too far with your conduct world history shows they will erupt (Marie Antoinette, among others).

Kennedy Jr also made valid points in his congressional speech about the incivility and harassment coming from government entities such as the White House. I've stated it before and shall again, this is why the Biden administration can't get any real work done. They're too busy illegally spying on, tracking and harassing people who peacefully speak the truth about political and social matters.

This is all while Biden, among others, are telling the world they will bring freedom and liberation to the globe, when Americans aren't even free. Biden/Obama are insanely censoring people at every turn and trying to destroy innocent people's lives for not bowing to their unbalanced, crazy political agenda (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About). You cannot peacefully state your mind in America without some lunatic from the Obama and now Biden administrations trying to destroy you for it if it doesn't fit their narrative.

In the video posted above featuring Kennedy Jr in Congress, he highlighted the fact the Biden Administration began an attack on him 2-days after they got into office in 2021. I stated the same of them regarding me on on June 1, 2021 in this article. It shows a pattern of criminal harassment by Biden/Obama against outspoken people. Remember in 2011 when I broke the story on Obama criminally terrorizing and harassing Christians via the IRS, then the story made its way into the mainstream press and Congress in an ugly set of hearings (Congressional Senator Confirms The IRS Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As The Site Stated and News Report: The IRS Targeted Christians).

Previously, I also wrote about this issue regarding me when I was harassed by the Obama administration, via the IRS and FBI, among others in his government. After the story broke in Congress regarding Obama targeting Christians through the tax agency, the IRS apologized to my mom and I over the phone and said it wouldn't happen again. When Trump got into office as President, the IRS didn't bother me or my mom.

Then, the very day Biden was inaugurated, we received a strange and harassing letter from the IRS via registered mail. Biden/Obama couldn't wait to start up the insane harassment again (I will post the letter in a future item on this site and in a forthcoming book and film). It says they are sick and obsessive and should not be in office. Couldn't even wait a few months to start the madness up again. THE FIRST DAY IN OFFICE THEY STARTED THE CRAZY, FRAUD BASED HARASSMENT AGAIN. They have serious mental issues. They are absolutely demonic.

Barack Obama and figurehead Joe Biden

To make matters worse, they are completely in the wrong and I have proof (which I will make public). They shortchanged my mom on her taxes. Then they shortchanged me on my taxes (which has only happened under Obama and now Biden). Here is where the proof exists in this matter. In 2020 when Trump was in office I received the American Opportunity Tax Credit tax deduction as a college student. I met the tax requirements then and now. I attached the standard 1098-T tax document to my 2020 tax returns, which is a document given to students by universities in America upon request, which has details regarding one's enrollment and how much was paid regarding your tuition for the year.

Regarding my taxes for 2021 and 2022 (and this was filed under the Biden administration's IRS) I submitted the same general tax filing for both years, supported by documentation, including the university issued 1098-T tax form showing how much tuition was paid (thousands of dollars per year), and I have all my receipts, yet I was denied the American Opportunity Tax Credit for the 2021 and 2022 tax filing, when I received it on the 2020 tax filing under the Trump IRS.

I was not given the tax breaks or any reimbursement for 2021 and 2022 under Biden (yet had received it under Trump for 2020). The Biden administration deprived me of thousands of dollars. They did not give me any tax deductions, not even for items related to what I paid to go to college, for which I have receipts, which all Americans are eligible for under these circumstances. That is criminal discrimination and fraud from the Biden/Obama administration.

Yet the IRS flagged both tax returns for audits and here's more proof of the unlawful conduct under the Biden administration, where the fraud becomes apparent again. Two different IRS employees in different U.S. states handled my 2021 and 2022 tax filings. The IRS employees gave two wildly contradictory responses to identical returns, regarding why each was flagged, even though the tax filings for 2021 and 2022 are the same (the 1098-T documents showed a little bit more tuition paid in 2022 than 2021, but it wouldn't impact it, as I met all the eligibility requirements under the American Opportunity Tax Credit).

It became clear the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing at the IRS in this matter, as all they were corruptly told is to deny my tax refund at all costs. So both made up unlawful excuses in writing, not realizing what the other had written on basically identical tax returns. Both violated the Civil Rights Act and tax code. You can't have two identical tax returns for 2021 and 2022 be met with two wildly varying reasons for flagging them and denying the tax refunds. They did not give me back a dime though I am entitled to it.

This is exactly what was done during Obama's time in office, which the IRS later apologized for during the phone call to me and my mom, then corrected their response to years of my mom's taxes (they just kept flagging them every year to be nasty and denying her every tax break and overcharging her in taxes). 

When I realized this mess started up again under Biden/Obama in 2021 and 2022, I sent it to Congress a few weeks ago as it shows harassment and fraud via the Biden administration's IRS. The tax code is supposed to be the same for everyone. There's no way to explain the Biden IRS's significant contradictions and discrepancies on two virtually identical tax returns for 2021 and 2022 other than harassment, discrimination and fraud.

I will make the data public in a future article and include it in a forthcoming book and film as more proof of targeted harassment by Obama during his time in office and now Biden/Obama who are doing this foolishness again. I will post the tax returns in these items and the responses/audits from the IRS and let you the public decide. I've got nothing to hide. However, they do.

My major is psychology and my minor is business (under this curriculum I took most of the science classes the school offers such as environmental science, biology which also included chemistry and genetics, anthropology which also included archeology, earth science which is geology but also included meteorology, oceanography, astronomy and geography, and sociology I, and sociology II).

The FBI and Madonna's cult did everything they could to upend me getting my degrees. I got accepted to other schools in America. I also got accepted to three universities in London, England for further study. However, the FBI and Madonna have been fighting like mad to block me from leaving, via criminal conduct which includes but is not limited to terrible threats (more on that shortly).

I've been saving money to open a science lab regarding climate issues, among other things, and have done well in this regard for the past few years (I had to make a lot of personal and financial sacrifices and I'm not going to pretty it up, it has been horrible).

My predictions have proven correct, as I was the first to write of serious pending problems, and the worst is yet to come in events that need to be stopped lest many die (West Point, New York Experiences Record Rainfall That Washes Away Buildings, Roads And Land (Videos) and The Northeast In America Hit With Unprecedented Rainfall Leading To Death And Record Property Loss Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video) among other items on the Site Exclusives page). However, the corrupt and deranged FBI and Madonna's Kabbalah cult have criminally been trying to block it in order to steal more of my copyrights.

In doing so they are putting millions of lives at risk. There are glaciers such as Thwaites, and a dormant volcano posing serious risks regarding the climate, among other things, in places such as the east coast of America, London (the Thames River), Hebrides (Scotland) and select cities in Italy, among other places (sea level issues coupled with SUDDEN excessive rains/deluge). The FBI and that insane Hollywood cult Kabbalah know and they don't care. All they care about is ill-gotten money and have been doing very criminal things to thwart my science work.

Their misconduct is all over their obsession with my copyrights that they have been infringing and are trying to cover it up, after I exposed them in articles on this site. It is also due to me speaking out online via articles on this site and on social networking, against their extreme liberal agenda that has damaged America (Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And Debunked On '60 Minutes' Confirming Previous Site Claims About His Poor Economic Plans and Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About).

It is pathetic, sinister and sniveling that they are criminally misusing the IRS to attack others. Real men don't do such things. Dirty, small minded cowards do. To induce the IRS to such discriminatory and harassing behavior reveals they have no character, class or ethics. People who do such things are not good enough to occupy the White House.

No decent administration would use its tax office to harass and terrorize people out of political revenge and acts of financial abuse. It is such a shameful and embarrassing thing to do. That is a mentally sick administration and one that needs to be kicked out of office via an election or impeachment.

Obama and Biden act like the IRS is a for-profit company they own and not a federal agency belonging to the taxpayers. So, let's get this straight. Decent, hardworking people like me (I work, go to college and take care of my mom they made sick via their criminal misconduct) are facing political harassment from the Biden/Obama administration via their IRS, denying refunds for items paid for out of pocket, where under the law deductions are supposed to be granted. Meanwhile, the same Biden/Obama administration who have corrupted the IRS to cover up the serious financial/tax crimes of the First Kid, excuse me First Crackhead, Hunter Biden, gave him tax refunds (money back) for prostitutes and sex clubs, which he falsely and criminally claimed on his taxes. The Biden family is trash.

"Hunter Biden Tax Return Had Lies Relating To Payments For Prostitutes, Sex Clubs: IRS Whistleblower" - Forbes


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