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Rod Blagojevich Retrial To Cost $30 Million

August 18. 2010


Rod Blagojevich

The prosecutor in the criminal trial of former Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, has announced he will retry the politician, who was convicted on 1 of 24 charges - lying to the FBI. Yesterday, a legal analyst estimated a retrial will cost $30,000,000, which is a gross waste of taxpayer money. Me personally, I don't want Blago that badly. 

Have you any idea how many jobs one can create with $30,000,000. Blagojevich is not the most heinous criminal in America.  To waste that much money on a case the jury didn't buy the first go around, is a frivolous waste of tax dollars, during a financial depression. It's not worth it.

When one takes into consideration the level of poverty and crime that plagues Chicago, the expenditures required for a retrial becomes significantly less important. Those funds could be better served creating new jobs for inner city youth and recently fired office workers, hiring more police officers, installing additional surveillance cams to capture crime and implementing more effective social programs. 

Instead, you are going to spend all that money chasing down one man - Blagojevich! The Illinois government needs to reassess its priorities, as they have made a bad call on this issue. 

Side Bar: why are these high profile trials so expensive. How can the State justify such costs. The prosecution is splurging too much on said trials. You better start holding McTrials instead of expensive 7-course fiascos. 



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