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Russian Spy Stripped Of British Citizenship

July 17. 2010


Russian spy, Anna Chapman, who was deported back to her native homeland, sought to move back to Britain, the home of her ex-husband, where she obtained dual citizenship. The British government has torpedoed Chapman's plans, by revoking her citizenship this week, under the legal premise it is in the best interest of the public to do so. 

Once one has been established as a spy, such action was to be expected. Governments generally do not wish to devote national resources to watching an alleged spy, who is a naturalized citizen, when the option of deportation is available.

Not everyone feels the same. Apparently, late night comic, Jay Leno and U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, jokingly wished to keep pretty Chapman in America and send racist radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh to Russia in her place. 

Anna Chapman's call to father led to FBI spy arrests

Monday 12 July 2010 - ... the US vice-president, Joe Biden, quipped on a late-night television chat show. Holding up a picture of her, comedian Jay Leno asked the vice-president: "Do we have any spies that hot?" Biden jokingly replied: : "Let me be clear. It wasn't my idea to send her back. I thought maybe they'd take [rightwing polemicist] Rush Limbaugh or something. That would've been a good move."





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