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The British Government Strips Jihadi Bride Shamima Begum Of Citizenship (Video)

The Decision Is Overwhelmingly Being Applauded Online

February 21. 2019

This is a follow up to the February 15, 2019 article “Muslim School Girl Who Left Britain To Join ISIS In Syria Is Pregnant And Wants To Return To London.” On February 19, 2019, the British government stripped Shamima Begum of her citizenship. A letter was sent to her family to communicate the contents of the official order to Begum. A reporter gave Begum a copy of the letter to read and she began sniffling in trying to hold back the tears.

Begum stated she could attempt to obtain citizenship from Holland, the country of her ISIS fighter husband, who is currently in prison. However, she wants the Home Secretary to reconsider his decision. As such, her family is using Legal Aid in Britain to file an appeal. Questions should also be asked concerning Begum’s family in Britain. Begum’s dad radicalized his daughter and even took her to anti-British pro-ISIS rallies. He planted this destructive seed.

For now, Begum is one less jihadi Britain has to deal with in their bid to keep their shores safe. A report indicated 400 jihadis have already returned to Britain and it worries me for them. They all should have been deported. The Manchester Arena bombing is a terrible reminder of what terrorism is about and the horrific damage it creates. The next time a jihadi tries to return, remember that.

I warned 4-years ago that teens should refrain from engaging in terrorism and instead enjoy their youth, "Kids, be kids. Enjoy your youth. Hang out with your friends, go to the movies, enjoy your favorite TV shows and music. Look forward to the good things in life. Plan a good and productive future filled with hope, promise and peace" (15-Year-Old Girl Arrested In London On Terrorism Charges).

I also warned 4-years ago on this site that people should refrain from joining terrorists groups, in writing about Begum and her friends, "In short, stay away from terrorism and those who support such activities. You are throwing your future away dabbling in such things and are kidding yourself if you think the government(s) will tolerate it and you will prevail in fighting against them. They don’t joke around when it comes to terrorism" (16-Year-Old Muslim Girl In London Who Tried To Join ISIS Laughs Over Terrorists Killing 30 Britons In Tunisia Attack). 

Shamima Begum

Since that time world governments have bombed ISIS senseless. Begum even had to admit this month that, "The Caliphate is over." I told you they would not win. Now people like Begum, who went to Syria are either widows, their husbands are in jail or missing. Begum and others in her situation are left to care for babies, while some of their children have died due to malnutrition and disease in Syrian refugee camps. They have been living in very squalid, cold camps with no running water or electricity. There is also an insufficient amounts of food and a lack of proper sanitation and medicine.

Begum and other jihadi brides created this situation for themselves and it is not up to the west to fix it. They left comfortable, stabilized nations in the west, such as Britain, America and Canada, among other places, to go join ISIS. They brought this on themselves. I don't know what kind of life they thought they were going to lead joining a terrorist group. I'm a practical person. I kept wondering where these teenage girls and women, who had been accustomed to living in the west, thought they would get food, clothes, beauty supplies and proper housing, while being on the run in the middle of nowhere.

The concept of being a jihadi bride was glamorized online in terrorist propaganda materials and now thousands of women who traveled to Syria are getting a cold dose of reality. They joined and supported a murderous terrorist group, who brutally tortured and killed innocent people, in acts that go against the values of the west. Being uncomfortable in camps is a small price to pay for those sins against mankind, which sent innocent people to torturous deaths.

The west should not take them back. When they and their offspring later plot and bomb innocent people in future acts, the citizens of western nations will be very angry that jihadi brides and their kids were allowed to return and live among civilized, defenseless people, only to wreak havoc in new acts of barbarism.


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