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The Democrats Are In Danger Of Losing The House And The Senate In The 2022 Midterm Elections Because Of President Joe Biden

November 3. 2022

Joe Biden

Americans are unhappy and angry with the record levels of inflation in the nation. Food, housing and gas are completely unaffordable in America, when just 2-years ago under the  previous administration, that was not the case. People are openly stating this on social networking, as high prices have become a fact of life in America millions are upset over.

Americans are also angry that crime is soaring under Biden. Criminals are not afraid of Biden. They deem him a dementia sufferer, who is senile and not in charge of his own faculties, let alone the country. Biden is deemed weak by Americans and foreign nations, whose governments do not even look to him for advice on global matters. Some world governments are openly stating this.

The Democrats are in danger of losing the House and the Senate in the midterm elections scheduled for November 8, 2022. President Joe Biden has been incredibly tone deaf the entire year regarding, Americans complaints about the horrible inflation he ushered in.

Biden and his administration have been slamming Trump and siccing the FBI and CIA on him at every turn, with the hope he will not run for office again. However, social networking websites are full of people openly stating America did not have this financially disastrous inflation under Trump.

No amount of PR and spinning in the press will negate the prices people are seeing in supermarkets, at the pump and when they try to rent or buy property. Biden has messed up the U.S. economy and people know it.

People on social networking want the Trump economy back again. You, Biden, are the one creating votes for the Republicans with your incompetence and decimation of the economy. Every poll over the past two weeks is showing that inflation is at the top of everyone's list regarding issues most pressing to voters in the election.

As you've messed up the U.S. economy, this spells trouble for the Democrats. Additionally, if Trump and DeSantis get together and run against you in 2024, Biden you're going to be in trouble (well, unless you steal the election again). The Democrats need to choose another candidate. If Biden gets back in (and it would be through fraud) he is going to lead America into nuclear war and climate disasters.


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