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The Queen Of Soul Aretha Franklin Has Died

The Queen Has Died

August 16. 2018

Aretha Franklin

Lovely, legendary singer, songwriter and musician Aretha Franklin has died in Michigan of pancreatic cancer. She was 76-years-old. Franklin is the most talented female artist to ever come out of America. She was an exceptional singer. She was also an excellent piano player and songwriter. There was no hype. Franklin didn't need studio trickery via many processors to make her voice sound passable. This was a woman who could sing acapella and reduce you to tears with the soulfulness of her voice. 

Franklin, who was very intelligent and dignified, played a pivotal role in the civil rights era in America, releasing music that inspired the masses and raised funds for human rights. Franklin's music is synonymous with the civil rights era, which is a very notable accomplishment. It's rare that a recording artist's music becomes so for a generation.

In a modern era of fake artists who steal from everyone and rig everything from airplay and sales to number one albums/singles and awards, Franklin's recording achievements are earned and legitimate. She earned those number ones, sales plaques and awards. She can be proud of that.

Franklin was also a real feminist, even before it was fashionable. Franklin helped and encouraged women, unlike many of the spiteful, petty female artists of today, who routinely steal from others in acts of covetousness and try to trample the competition with dirty tactics, born out of jealousy. World history is never kind to such people, but it will be gracious and merciful to Franklin.

Modern entertainers could learn a lot from Franklin on how to be real artists. Number one, actually be able to sing. If you can't sing, you shouldn't be doing this. However, talent is given, not earned. If it doesn't come naturally to a person in their chosen field, it will never be legit. Franklin also knew her craft. Her artistry was magnificent. You knew you were in the presence of greatness. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace dear lady.



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