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The US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Christian Website Designer Who Declined To Make Site For Gay Couple

June 30. 2023

Joe Biden has lost another Supreme Court ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Christian website designer, Lorie Smith, who declined to make a wedding website for a gay couple. The court ruled 6-3 in her favor. The Associated Press reported, "The court said forcing her to create the websites would violate her free speech rights under the Constitutions First Amendment."

Christianity forbids homosexuality. It is mentioned in the Bible as a sin one must repent of (stop doing) to get to heaven and avoid hell. Adultery and idolatry are also mentioned in the Bible as sins one must repent of (stop doing) to avoid hell. Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam and Buddhism as well.

Gay rights groups are angry over the decision. However, for years there has been a concerted move by the LGBTQ community to coerce, force, harass, threaten and terrorize Christians into violating the Bible. When Christians refused, as Smith did, it is labeled hate and homophobia, which is inaccurate and manipulative. On the whole Christians do not hate gay people, but you are asking people to violate and destroy their religious beliefs for your sexual preferences.

The LGBTQ community have repeatedly bypass non-Christian service providers in the creative industries, such as website design and baking, to target and harass Christians. Once again, it is an organized and concerted move by the LGBTQ community. This conduct is non-peaceful, contentious and looking for trouble.

As someone mentioned on Twitter regarding the a famous case of a Christian baker in America who politely declined to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, as it infringes upon his religious beliefs, it was revealed they drove past over 200 non-Christian bakeries to demand the one Christian baker for many miles bake the cake. That's called trying to create trouble and conflict. That was an act of religious harassment and bullying. Why are you demanding people violate their religious beliefs when the Constitution guarantees religious freedom and free speech. They lost the bakery case as well.

Former President Barack Obama, who is a down low gay man, ushered in an era of harassing and picking on Christians, as seen at the IRS, among other places (Congressional Senator Confirms The IRS Politically Targeted Conservatives Just As The Site Stated).

Attorney Harvey Levin of the Hollywood butt kissing show TMZ was infuriated at today's decision by the Supreme Court. However, Levin, I ask you this, as a Jewish man, what if someone asked you to bake a cake that stated "Heil Hitler" or "Hitler was right." You would not want to do that as it goes against your personal beliefs. The Constitution would protect your rights in such an incident. As a black Christian woman, if someone asked me to promote Satanism or the KKK, which go against my beliefs, I would decline and that is my right.

Let's be honest here, Hollywood discriminates against and harasses Christians and Muslims all the time. There are incidents of Christians being assaulted and even killed in commissioned acts by Hollywood cults. Therefore, Hollywood is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone regarding the First Amendment due to their hateful track record and abuses against religious people.

Not to mention, Hollywood likes to sexually harass and sexually assault Christians. They will bypass other gays to specifically go after people they know are Christians and not romantically interested in them, then proceed to sexually harass and terrorize said non-interested Christians for years. I know because I've experienced that harassment (and others have too) and it is vile.

The LGBTQ community has been deliberately targeting Christians for years (ever since Obama got into office) and it is destroying their movement, as people are tried of the harassment, and are now pushing back with boycotts (which have cost companies like Budweiser and Target, among others, billions of dollars).

All you are doing is inflaming and angering millions of Christians into massive boycotts that are taking down companies, because you won't stop targeting and harassing Christians, even reaching the point you are openly demanding people's children ("we're coming for your children"). There's nothing peaceful about your behavior and it needs to stop.

Whatever happened to just living your lives and letting other people live theirs. Whatever happened to just agreeing to disagree. Why are you going around picking fights with Christians in trying to impose your will upon us in acts that violate our religion. Now the backlash has grown so big you've essentially decimated your movement, with some gays on social media lamenting it.

You are not going to force your will upon us. It is the equivalent of angrily demanding we heel and bow to you, which we are not going to do. You will not coerce us. You will not destroy us. We will and are fighting back (bankruptcy inducing boycotts).

In the LGBTQ community repeatedly trying to force their will upon others, they are exhibiting an extraordinary lack of tolerance regarding other people's views and it is going to cause TRILLIONS in losses under boycotts in western nations if they do not stop.

It is abusive, not to mention financially foolish targeting Christians (Christianity is the biggest religion in the world). We want peace but the LGBTQ community is showing us such anger, abuse and hate. Some of you are going to start losing your businesses and careers over it under severe boycotts, because you won't listen to stop trying to force other people to violate their religion. Live your lives and let other people live theirs. But that's just it, you don't want peace. You keep showing you want to dominate and control others.


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