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Tommy Robinson Potentially Facing 2-Years In Prison At Sentencing For Contempt Of Court In Grooming Gang Trial

July 11. 2019

English Defense League founder, Tommy Robinson, is potentially facing 2-years in prison for contempt of court. Robinson made a name online filming himself heckling pedophiles on trial for molesting underage girls. The pedophiles are Muslim men living in England, who descend from Middle Eastern nations.

Thousands of girls in England, some as young as age 11, were raped by men in pedophile gangs. The pedophiles loitered outside schools criminally targeting underage girls. Among the victims is an 11-year-old girl English girl, who was raped and impregnated. It caused a massive scandal in England. Robinson understandably spoke out against these terrible abuses occurring against children. However, some of his methods of doing so has gotten him into legal trouble.

Robinson, while on license (probation) was ordered by a judge not to film or harass criminal defendants during a pedophile ring/grooming gang criminal trial in England. There was also a general press ban in effect, regarding all journalists being made aware they were not to report on the criminal case, so as not to prejudice the proceedings, which could lead to a mistrial, allowing pedophiles to go free unpunished for their crimes.

Robinson defied the judge's order and filmed anyway, which landed him in his current predicament. Robinson filmed from a sidewalk, under the misguided belief that because he was not technically on court property, he would not be in violation of the judge's order.

While Robinson filmed he streamed it live over the internet on social networking sites. Many online saw the live feed, which jeopardized the case, regarding months of police and prosecutorial work to bring the pedophiles to justice. The pedophiles lawyers could have argued in court that Robinson exposed their clients to the world via the internet, making it impossible for them to get a fair trial.

Shortly after he began filming, police appeared and arrested Robinson, before he could disseminate live footage of the defendants leaving the courthouse, which could have been grounds for a mistrial in revealing their identities and making prejudicial statements about the contents of the case.

Robinson was detained, tried and convicted on contempt of court charges. He spent months in prison and was released after his sentence was successfully appealed. However, upon a second review, Robinson's appeal failed and he was found guilty of contempt of court. He now awaits sentencing. Thankfully, the government was able to secure a conviction against the pedophiles, who have been sent to prison.

Tommy Robinson

After he was released from prison, Robinson stated in an interview that while incarcerated, Muslims in prison began harassing him over statements he made prior to his arrest. Robinson had spoken out against Islam and the presence of Muslims in Britain, via in a book he authored and subsequent interviews that were conducted.

Robinson had also stated he would prefer immigrants from European countries like Norway in Britain (this is despite the fact he has campaigned in favor of Brexit, which is Britain leaving the European Union, which has been economically and socially disastrous for the nation).

Due to his previous statements, Robinson expressed that he believes his life will be in danger if he is sentenced to prison. Robinson believes he will be killed. His life really is in danger. However, such high risk inmates need to be segregated from the rest of the prison population.

Tommy had criminal convictions prior to speaking out against Islam. He was arrested for kicking a police officer in the head, who tried to stop him from assaulting his girlfriend while he was drunk. He has a criminal conviction for mortgage fraud. Robinson was also convicted of entering America on a fake passport. As such he was banned from the country and sentenced to prison.

Which brings me to my next point. Robinson released a video this week making a plea for political asylum to U.S. President Donald Trump and the Republican party. In the video he stated he is facing death. However, his statement confused the public, as Britain abolished the death penalty decades ago. Robinson is likely referring to the threats he stated he received from Muslims in prison, who seek to kill him.

Under the circumstances, Robinson is not eligible for political asylum. He has not been convicted of a crime on a political basis. The case was cut and dry. The judge told him (and others) not to violate a press ban on a criminal trial and he did so anyway in violation of a judicial order. That is not a political matter, but a legal one.

Robinson's previous conviction for entering America on a fake passport makes him ineligible to return to the country in the absence of an authentic political asylum claim. U.S. Immigration will also frown upon Robinson's many criminal convictions. Additionally, no world government is going to give credence to claims that Britain is politically persecuting its citizens to the point of death, as there is no death penalty in the nation.


Tommy Robinson Arrested And Privately Sentenced For Reporting On Muslim Child Grooming Pedophilia Scandal In Britain



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