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United States Of China?

October 2. 2010

Barack Obama

A very sobering article was published yesterday by mainstream outlet CNBC, stating China essentially owns America, due to the massive amount of debt the nation has accumulated and the interest that is steadily being accrued. However, U.S. President, Barack Obama, is still spending very large sums of taxpayer money on fruitless endeavors, while America owes China $1 trillion dollars and counting. 

No disrespect intended to China, as they work hard for their money, producing goods and services the world enjoys, but Bush and Obama's financial imprudence is threatening America's sovereignty, as any nation that accumulates too much debt and cannot pay its bills, is at risk of going under and collapsing. 

If the Obama Administration continues this massive spending campaign, the nation will no longer be able to afford a federal government, with everything being handled on a state level. 

The Obama spending spree and money printing run needs to stop. Furthermore, devaluing the U.S. dollar is not going to fix the financial crisis. Once again, the U.S. government is spending too much money and to very poor results. The government should have concentrated on cost cutting and paying down the national debt, as now the nation's sovereignty is in jeopardy. 

I predicted the 2008 financial crisis two years before it happened (on the Sound Off Column) and the Judiciary Report has been publishing a message of government thrift, debt reduction and corporate production for over three years, but the so-called powers that be in Washington, still don't get it and probably won't, until the damage is so extensive, the American way of life is completely gone.


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