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U.S. Gov Finds $1 Trillion In Minerals In Afghanistan

June 14. 2010

Former U.S. President George W. Bush

According to Yahoo News, the U.S. Geological Survey, has found $1 trillion dollars in precious metals in the Middle Eastern country of Afghanistan. However, it is in an area controlled by the terrorist faction, the Taliban.

Many are stating this is the reason for the U.S. government's war in Afghanistan, much like many have attributed the war in Iraq, that was based on lies in the name of Weapons of Mass Destruction, only for millions of barrels of Iraqi oil to have gone missing under Bush and Halliburton. 

Many have suspected for quite sometime that Afghanistan potentially held a fortune in natural minerals, such as gold and lithium. Now that it has been confirmed, people are wondering who will control it. This wealth should benefit the people of Afghanistan, to modernize their nation and educate their citizens, as it is their national property and heritage.


Huge obstacles seen in exploiting Afghan minerals 




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