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U.S. Mortgage Crisis Aid From Government

February 20. 2009

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden (Photo courtesy of The Times UK)

To those opposing mortgage assistance from the stimulus bill, for almost 5 million people in danger of losing their homes, I ask, why would you want that many individuals homeless or renting? Their income could be more efficiently and productively used to maintain millions of homes throughout the nation, that most likely will fall into a dilapidated state of disrepair and abandonment.

Moreover, shouldn't people get to keep and maintain the homes they worked very hard to pay the mortgage for. Just because they fell into financial difficulties, sparked by the previous administration's negligence in not policing banks that began to gouge consumers, in unconscionably raising their mortgage payments, coupled with spikes in food and oil prices, created by the war in Iraq, all decimating many people's budgets, doesn't mean they do not deserve help.

To those opposing the assistance, deeming those in financial trouble with their mortgages "irresponsible" - in other words, you are saying there are millions of deadbeat Americans that decided to just stop paying their mortgages out of the blue, because they got bored with it and are undisciplined? Does that sound right to you, as it makes no sense to me. You know that's not what happened and you need to acknowledge that. Don't be mean to people during this crisis that were victims of circumstance.

I do not agree with wasteful spending, but if some financial assistance can keep millions in their homes, at least people who were paying taxes on their mortgages would be getting some aid. Why would you want people to lose their homes. 



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