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White Supremacist Opened Fire On Supermarket Shoppers In Black Buffalo Neighborhood Killing Ten Innocent People (Video)

May 16. 2022

18-year-old white supremacist, Payton Gendron, drove for hours to an African-American neighborhood, then opened fire on a supermarket of black shoppers, using a gun with the racial slur "niggers" scrawled on it. Gendron stated it was revenge for the killing of five white people in a Wisconsin parade (Convicted Felon Fleeing Crime Scene In An SUV Runs Over And Kills 5 People In Wisconsin Parade (Video)).

In his manifesto, Gendron, also proclaimed his fear that white people were being outbred by minorities such as Blacks and Hispanics, is his motive for the mass murder. It is an extreme far-right concept called "The Great Replacement Theory."

It is a terrible conspiracy theory with no root in reality. There is no active conspiracy to outbreed and outnumber white people in America. In fact, birth rates in America have been declining, as women of many races prioritize career first ahead of having a family. The pandemic made things worse, as across the board fewer women of all races had babies. To blame declining birth rates among white women on minorities is erroneous and racist.

The Hollywood spurred rise in gay and lesbian couples has also translated into declining birth rates in America. Therefore, a number of factors have led to declining birth rates in America, and it is not a conspiracy by any race to target white people.

Gendron is a racist murderer who was looking for excuses to kill minorities. He expressed the views that America is owned by white people, whom he felt were being replaced by blacks and Hispanics. However, no race owns America now (technically the Native American Indians did hundreds of years ago). The native American Indians were in America first and were slaughtered for their land. Blacks were criminally kidnapped and forced to America as slave labor, and their blood, sweat, tears and hard work built up the country during slavery.

Gendron's narrative is not rooted in history. It is based on hate, wickedness and malice. It is also pure foolishness There are over 40,000,000 African-Americans in America. There are over 62,000,000 Hispanics in America. If you remove them all America would completely collapse overnight, as they represent a huge chunk of the economic output of the nation.

Therefore, this crazy pipe dream espoused by racists, who want to send all African-Americans back to Africa and deport all Hispanics, shows how offbase and illogical such extremists are to promote such ideas. If they got their wish, America would go into a massive freefall in every business and social sector in the world.

America would cease to be a superpower, as a huge chunk of the working and taxpaying population would be removed. It would mean far more labor for white people and severe financial declines in national economic numbers. The work force and military would drastically drop in numbers, making the nation exponentially weaker. The nation would be mired in a poverty not seen in modern times. The moral of the story is you can take your "Great Replacement Theory" and shove it up your racist...

Side Bar: "The Great Replacement Theory"...isn't that what Gendron's ancestors did to the Native American Indians. I'm being serious. That's world history. Native Americans were sickened and slaughtered by Europeans hundreds of years ago, then outbred by them, which gave white people a majority in America for generations. How is Gendron, among other racists, projecting this theory on minorities.


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