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Wikileaks Founder Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

February 2. 2011


Julian Assange

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, has been nominated for a 2011 Nobel Prize, for his widely read whistleblower website. Assange has broken the veil of secrecy that exists in world governments, especially America, publishing a wide array of classified documents exposing corruption and criminal wrongdoing. 

Wikileaks was very instrumental in uncovering the crimes against humanity, being committed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which were initiated by former U.S. President, George W. Bush and is being perpetuated by White House incumbent, President Barack Obama.

In exposing the aforementioned criminal misconduct, in addition to other incidents around the world, with the hope the malfeasances draw to a close, Assange has exhibited a desire for world peace. Thus, he is a good choice for the nomination.


WikiLeaks among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize



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