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Woman Convicted Of Bringing Baby Into Britain

No, Not Madonna…But It Highlights The Double Standard

May 16. 2008

Madonna leering like a crazy person

The Metropolitan Police in Britain has convicted a Nigerian woman, Peace Sandberg, of buying an African baby and bringing him into London without permission. She has been sentenced to 26 months in prison.

It's amazing, Madonna illegally brought a child into the UK, breaking the law just as Sandberg did, and hasn't been given so much as a caution by the Metropolitan Police. Why? Is it because Sandberg is not rich or is it because she is black or both. It doesn't look good, as it shows a disgraceful double standard.

Peace Sandberg

This story highlights the fact that you can buy/bribe your way out of trouble, as Madonna did, and has done repeatedly, but the world will hate you for it.

At the end of the day, when you disgrace a police force with your corruption, not once, but twice, and provoke an "international backlash" that was featured on CNN and countless press outlets, with people all over the world hating you, calling you terrible names like “baby snatcher” “baby thief” and “baby buyer” it amounts to a stupid move, in a failed publicity bid in competing with Angelina Jolie.

Angelina Jolie

While I am not a fan of Brad Pitt, I’ll give Jolie credit that she really does seem sincere in her work for the poor, wanting to help people and her adoptions. She was like this for many years before Pitt and it’s something I liked about her.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

But with Madonna, she bought that baby for publicity and is a danger to him. As I have mentioned before, she choked and assault a 10-year-old boy that kept following her for an autograph on her day off. She threw him against a wall and choked him.

Having written that, if you harm one more child again, I pray God brings it back around to you. What kind of animal chokes a kid, you demonic beast.

Woman jailed for smuggling baby

A Nigerian woman has been jailed for 26 months for bringing a child illegally into the UK.

Peace Sandberg, who was living in the UK, went to Nigeria and bought a baby to become eligible for a council flat, Isleworth Court Court heard.

She was convicted last month of bringing a child illegally into the UK.

She was reported to police after she initially told council staff she had given birth to the boy, then changed her story to say he was adopted.




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