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Woman Gets 8-Years In Prison For Illegally Voting In Texas Elections For 16-Years

December 4. 2018

Rosa Maria Ortega

39-year-old Rosa Maria Ortega was sentenced to 8-years in prison for illegally voting in presidential elections beginning in 2002. Ortega is a U.S. resident (since age 2) not a citizen. It is illegal for non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections. Ortega stated she did not know this and her family stated she only has a "6th grade education" (meaning she is missing 6-years of schooling). However, the court has not taken it into consideration.

The reason the court did not accept Ortega’s claim is due to the fact in 2014 she was informed in writing that she is not permitted to vote, as she is not a U.S. citizen (which she acknowledged on a voting form). She then resubmitted a voter registration form changing her status by stating she is a citizen. The same government worker received both forms months apart and became suspicious.

An investigation was launch and authorities verified she is not a U.S. citizen and therefore is ineligible to vote. Due to the aforementioned conduct, Ortega was arrested for voter fraud, tried and convicted on two counts of voter fraud, which is a felony. In 2016 she was sentenced to 8-years in prison. She will likely be deported to her home country after her prison sentence is completed.

It’s clear prosecutors are making an example of Ortega, which is regrettable for her, as 8-years is a large sentence for voter fraud. There murders who have gotten out of prison quicker with good behavior. They are using this case as a deterrent, citing widespread voter fraud impacting the outcome of elections.

In closing, non-citizens should not attempt to vote in U.S. elections. It is dangerous to do so, as the penalties are severe if you seek to remain in the country. It can mean your freedom, residency and being permanently barred from the country and other nations. Deportations go on immigration records that are made available to other nations.


This Woman Got 8 Years In Prison For Illegal Voting. Texas Is Showing No Mercy.

A Texas appeals court last week refused to overturn the conviction of a 39-year-old mother of four who has been sentenced to eight years in prison for illegal voting. She could also be deported. There’s little dispute that Rosa Maria Ortega did in fact break the law. Ortega came to the United States from Mexico as a baby and was living in the U.S. as a legal permanent resident.

Although it’s against the law for non-citizens to vote in Texas, Ortega registered to vote in 2002 as a Republican and then cast ballots multiple times over more than a decade. She tried to register again after moving in 2014, which is when state investigators noticed something was amiss. They arrested her in January 2016...




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