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The FBI Challenging Influencer's Constitutional Right To Free Speech By Repeatedly Knocking On His Door For Stating On Social Networking 'Abolish The FBI' And 'Defund The FBI' (Video)

August 19. 2022


Further proof has surfaced that America has become a police state. African-American influencer and blogger, Tariq Nasheed, known for his pro-black views on social networking, has been receiving visits from the corrupt FBI (Federal Bums Incorporated, um I mean Federal Bureau of Investigation).

Any group of people who can look the other way to kids being molested and not stop the crimes are bums (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood (Video) ).

I agree with "Defund The FBI" as the agency is irredeemably corrupt and will play a key role in America's fall in the world. The FBI are extremely corrupt, evil, wicked and treacherous. The FBI are the most corrupt law enforcement agency in the world.

While I am of the belief the FBI should be permanently shuttered (and one day the world will demand it from Congress, due to forthcoming scandals of the FBI's own making and corruption) I do not think the government should "Defund the police." While there are bad cops who've done terrible things (such as Derek Chauvin) there are some good cops too who have helped to keep the peace in society.

The FBI, however, create crimes and then claim they are solving them, via framing innocent people then arresting them (An FBI Agent Orchestrated The January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming Previous Site Claims and The FBI Caught Lying By The Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous Site Claims). It is one of the most psychotic things I have ever seen in my life.

I do not agree with everything Nasheed says (I love all the races, he does not), but he has a right to free speech. Learn to leave people alone. Everyone in America has a right to free speech. Everyone is not going to agree and that's called democracy. The FBI's attempts to intimidate and silence Nasheed is more proof that America is not a democratic country anymore.

When the FBI, who are behaving like Hitler's SS police, can raid the home of a former President, spy on and terrorize Black Lives Matter on the political left, frame up and harass people on the political right, it says America is no longer a democratic country. The FBI wastes millions in taxpayers money every month in trying to silence people who lawfully engage in their constitutional right to free speech.

The irony is the FBI has also taken this criminal behavior into the international community, in places such as Britain, unlawfully knocking on the doors of innocent private citizens and demanding their cooperation with illegal conduct or else (issuing criminal threats like common gutter trash who don't know their place). I predict the FBI is going to end up on the wrong end of international tribunals regarding this madness they're doing in America and abroad, and my predictions happen all the time (site exclusives). As the phrase goes, God doesn't like ugly.

In countries such as China, you know it is a communist nation and there are limits and rules regarding what you can say and do. There are 1.3 billion people in their nation and they seek to keep order. This is how they've chosen to do so and that is their right.

However, for U.S. government officials such as President Joe Biden and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to claim America is a free country, then turn around and suppress Americans right to free speech and free press, via Nazi intimidation tactics and criminal harassment from the FBI/DOJ, is extremely hypocritical. Face it Joe and Nancy, you're communists.

Side Bar: If the FBI visits your home, be sure to lock up all your valuables, as they're a bunch of criminals who like to steal.


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