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Fergie Crying Over Josh Duhamel's Affair

November 9. 2009


Fergie in London dodging Strippergate

Black Eyed Peas singer, Fergie, who has been sporting dark glasses, to hide her swollen, bloodshot eyes, is reportedly in tears over cheating husband, Josh Duhamel and his affair with a stripper in Atlanta, named Nicole Forrester. Fergie, I thought you said in your criminally stolen song, "I'm a big girl now and big girls don't cry."


Fergie before Duhamel's infidelity

Duhamel was spotted with his cap pulled down over his face, exiting Starbucks, looking like he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before (er, is the stripper back again now that Fergie is in London). Just kidding.


In other news, many online have flooded feedback sections, unsympathetic to Fergie's plight, stating Duhamel was too good looking for her. Now she knows how Brian Austin Green feels, getting abuse online all the time. Still, Duhamel shouldn't have cheated on his wife. I don't support that. But I don't support thieving Fergie either.


Josh Duhamel’s Type

Josh Duhamel Gave Stripper His Credit Card

Fergie Flies Out To Cheating Josh Duhamel

From Black Eyed Peas To Black Eyed Sleaze

 Josh Duhamel Cheating On Fergie

Fergie 'Humiliated' Over Josh Duhamel, Nicole Forrester Allegations

LOS ANGELES, CA., Nov. 9 (TOTI) -- Fergie, of the Black Eyed Peas should be enjoying her life as a newlywed. However, rumors circulating about her husband having an affair with a stripper named Nicole Forrester have prevented that from happening...

After the idea of the affair sunk in, Fergie is said to have gone from shocked to mortified. "Behind closed doors, Fergie is mortified," a friend told In Touch. "Josh swore it was in the past, and that was that."...

"She loves Josh, but she's always been a bit insecure," said the friend. "She was confused by the rumors." Fergie is doing her best to keep her cool in public.

"She puts on a brave face in public, but behind the scenes, she is sobbing," said a pal.





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