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Freaky Judge Arrested For Sex And Cocaine With Strippers

October 5. 2010

Jack T. Camp (More Like Jack The Lad)

Move over Judge Donald "The Penis Pump" Thompson. Make way for a new freaky judge. Jack T. Camp Jr., 67,  is an Atlanta Federal judge, who has been arrested for having sex and doing drugs with a stripper, which he paid for, presumably in cash. And not just weed. In addition to smoking Bob Marley's favorite "herb" the judge and the stripper were also doing cocaine and guzzling prescription painkillers! I take it this was some sort of wild and inappropriate Bucket List. However, it couldn't be worth his dignity, job or freedom. 

Let's be frank here. The story is somewhat sadder, due to his advanced age. Cocaine, weed, pain meds, plus sex with a stripper, rightfully should have given him a heart attack and taken him out. Dude, must have a really good pacemaker. My question is, why didn't he just have sex with his wife or did she not want to freebase. 

Side Bar: I blame Viagra for this. Somewhere, somehow, Viagra is lurking in this story and we just don't know it yet. Give it time.


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