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Hillary Clinton Wanted Illegal Access To Cristina Kirchner's Medical Records

December 1. 2010


Hillary Clinton

In America, there is a law known as HIPAA, aimed at protecting people's medical records from prying eyes. Breaches of HIPAA result in jail time and fines. Yet, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, acting from U.S. shores, decided to violate the privacy of Argentinean President, Cristina Kirchner, demanding to know her medical history and what medication she takes, among other things. This is in addition to engaging in plans to obtain the DNA of United Nation's members. Clinton's lack of humanity and intrusiveness is alarming. Her conduct is vile and she needs to resign. 


FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

The Judiciary Report has written numerous articles over the past three years, stating federal law enforcement in Washington, particularly at the FBI,  are illegally prying into people's medical records in criminal violation of the law (see: Name That Federal DirectorSenate Hearings On FBI Misconduct BeginFBI Collected Thousands Of Phone Records Illegally and Hillary Clinton Slams Barack Obama).

These abuses are systematic and symptomatic of a greater problem that exists in the government, who is determined to violate people's rights to privacy in America and around the world.

Julian Assange

There is a case I was told of by an unimpeachable source, regarding the FBI obtaining a person's entire medical record, which they are not entitled to and among the items in said files, are nude photos of the individual on the operating table. The person in question is a U.S. citizen, has committed no crime and been accused of no wrongdoing, but the strain of perversion running through the federal government, emboldened them to such great levels of arrogance, they took it upon themselves to do such a thing. The investigation into the aforementioned individual is purely political and illegal, running up a significant tab that is a gross waste of the American taxpayers money. 


Clinton probed Argentine leader's 'nerves,' 'anxiety,' 'stress'

..."How does stress affect her behavior toward advisors and/or her decision making?" the cable continued. "What steps does Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner or her advisers/handlers, take in helping her deal with stress? Is she taking any medications?"...




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