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Jews Are Being Attacked In The World In The Fallout Of The Deadly Israeli And Palestinian Bombings

May 26. 2021

"Police Investigate Possible Jewish Hate Crime Attack At Beverly Grove Restaurant"

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has caused a wave of anti-Semitism in the world, due to his disproportionate, heavy handed response to Palestine based Hamas firing rockets into Israel.

I first wrote about this matter last week, warning Netanyahu's conduct was creating anti-Semitism (Israel And Palestine On The Verge Of A Ceasefire After Two Weeks Of Bombing That Resulted In A Terrible Death Toll (Videos)). However, now it's turned to acts of violence against Jews all over the world.

"Jewish man beaten by mob in NYC describes assault"

Hamas unethically fired rockets into Israel over the highly questionable eviction of six Palestinian families in Jerusalem. Palestinians are being displaced, with Jews in Israel even acknowledging in incidents caught on camera, that they are stealing the homes of Palestinian families. The stealing needs to stop. It too is creating anti-Semitism in the world.

Netanyahu's excessive response to Hamas firing rockets into Israel has eroded support for the Jewish people, because the onslaught of rockets that were fired into Palestine killed many children, and destroyed schools, hospitals and critical infrastructure. The sight of dozens of dead Palestinian children being pulled out of the rubble of various buildings was terrible. Jews also pulled Palestinians out of vehicles in Israel and beat them on the streets.

"Man Suspected Of Vandalizing Beverly Hills Synagogue Arrested As Anti-Semitic Crimes Increase"

Netanyahu also bombed a press building housing the American company the Associated Press. Netanyahu stated Hamas was in the building but has not provided proof of this claim. Therefore, people online are calling the bombing of the press building an act of censorship in attempting to bar news outlets in Gaza, such as the Associated Press, from reporting on the story.

However, as stated on the site previously, with the internet there is no suppressing any story. All it takes is one blog article, Instagram post or Twitter tweet, and overnight the story will spread like wildfire around the world reaching untold millions of people.

"Anti-Semitism in Britain: our round-up of a long 72 hours"

Jews are now being attacked all over the world in the fallout of Netanyahu's deadly response and the attacks on Palestinians in Israel. Incidents have occurred in Beverly Hills, which is a wealthy city largely occupied by Jews in the entertainment industry.

A truck full of Palestinian men drove up to a restaurant at Beverly Grove in Beverly Hills and began violently beating diners seated at tables. A synagogue in Beverly Hills was also vandalized in an anti-Semitic attack.

"Violence breaks out at pro-Palestinian territories protests outside Israeli Embassy in London"

In Miami, Florida, a man defaced a synagogue and left a container of feces in front of the building. In New York, Jewish people have been beaten in various attacks. In London, pro-Palestinian groups have gone through the streets yelling slurs against Jews, while threatening to rape their wives and daughters.

People have attended various marches in support of Palestine. There was one march held by pro-Israel Jews in America. Even CNN commented on the shift in public opinion due to how severe the retaliatory rocket bombings were as launched by Netanyahu.

"Four arrested over 'antisemitic abuse shouted from car' in London"

I don't agree with any of the violence that is transpiring on either side. And I fear a terrible terrorist incident is going to come out of it in retaliation against Israel. Violence is only going to beget more violence. This all needs to stop.


Israel And Palestine On The Verge Of A Ceasefire After Two Weeks Of Bombing That Resulted In A Terrible Death Toll (Videos)



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