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Madonna And Her Kabbalah Cult Are Engaging In Match Fixing To Make Millions In Football And Boxing

July 9. 2019

Ugly, vile Madonna

Madonna’s sick Kabbalah cult, who’ve dubbed themselves “the Illuminati” have been engaging in egregious crimes. They have committed serious human rights abuses that left innocent people dead (Madonna's Kabbalah Center Opening Shop In Britain Resulted In Innocent People Dying And Being Swindled Out Of Their Money and Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead).

Madonna’s cult also got involved in sports via the insane singer pursuing a number of young athletes under false pretenses. Some accepted her offer of joining the cult in exchange for promotional opportunities, such as appearances on prominent Hollywood talk shows, in magazines and coverage on the TMZ site and television show (TMZ is owned by Warner Bros, the company Madonna has worked for in corrupt acts for the past 30-years).

Some athletes refused Madonna's duplicitous offer to join the cult and were subjected to insidious acts of blackmail and death threats. Madonna’s behavior, has been conducted in tandem with rapper Jay Z, whose Roc Nation sports management and boxing, has been behaving in a completely criminal and sick manner as well. Madonna and Jay Z also own the failing music streaming company Tidal, where they are under criminal investigation by authorities for fraud, among other things. Roc Nation has been sued by a number of athletes for ruining their careers. Madonna and Jay Z know nothing about sports management, sport psychology or coaching. To mislead these athletes is very unethical and crazy. Madonna and Jay Z have entered sports out of sheer greed.

Madonna’s Kabbalah is nothing but a criminal enterprise. They are also affiliated with the Italian-American mafia. Madonna has done business with mafiosos Anthony Pellicano (Colombo crime family) and Chris Paciello (Bonanno crime family), who are both made men in the mafia, with murder attached to their names. It has been stated Pellicano killed a man in Chicago and had a hand in Nicole Brown Simpson's death. Paciello went to prison for murder. Greedy Madonna has laundered mafia money in her dealings with certain crime figures.

The Kabbalah cult, at Madonna’s insane direction, has been caught engaging in mortgage fraud, charity fraud and dealing marijuana (the Australian branch of the Kabbalah cult was raided by the government and arrested for unlawfully possessing with the intent to distribute £4,000,000 in illegal narcotics).

The cult has also been demanding millions from famous athletes, among others, as dues for being in the sick sect they joined under false pretenses that it would lead to career promotional opportunities (TV spots on top shows, promotion on websites and radio, hit songs and roles).

The Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger has tried to leave Kabbalah. Madonna has been demanding 10% of his income, under the false pretense it is for the cult/charity, but the money goes right into her greedy pockets and that of the Berg family, who run the sect with her in criminal acts. The Rolling Stones regularly generate hundreds of millions of dollars in touring revenue as the top touring act in the world. Jagger is worth $400,000,000.

Not only has Madonna been demanding millions of dollars from entertainers, she is doing the same thing to athletes as well, as seen in the divorce case of baseball player, Alex Rodriguez. Madonna demanded $20,000,000 from Rodriguez, while destroying his marriage in the process. His family reported she literally tried to brainwash Rodriguez using cult techniques such as mind control and trances. Madonna also illegally spied on his family (as seen in his wife's divorce papers in Miami). Madonna was also blackmailing Rodriguez.

Madonna has been engaging in match fixing in conduct that is completely criminal. For example, Madonna began criminally targeting a boxer, who has disliked her from day one. The boxer in question recently met with a fall because of her sick, greedy conduct and that of Jay Z, who befriended him for nefarious reasons.

Madonna became enraged when the boxer rejected her advances. Madonna used Jay Z to get the foreign boxer into the cult, with offers of career promotion on mainstream television shows in America and websites in Hollywood and New York with a wide reach. They lied to him telling him, much like they’ve done to others, he’d become a billionaire. However, after he agreed to join the cult, they placed some horrific demands on him that has proven more than he can handle.

It recently culminated in him losing his boxing belts because his life was threatened before a fight. Someone threatened to kill him if he didn’t lose the fight. People within the Kabbalah cult placed millions of dollars in gambling bets against him for that fight. They illegally reaped millions from the fight when he deliberately lost, as his life was a stake. He has been left devastated and very depressed over the whole thing. He is not in a good place right now.

In the English Premier League, Madonna has been targeting footballers. Under her criminal influence, the footballers she targeted began playing very badly and deliberately so, in acts that caused their respective teams to lose. Members of the cult made huge sums of money betting against said teams the targeted athletes play for, in conduct that is criminal under British law. Again, athletes in the Premier League are being harassed, threatened and blackmailed by Madonna’s sick cult.

This criminal misconduct Madonna is engaging in is going to severely damage the Premier League (she's also begun targeting La Liga football players). Madonna’s criminal conduct is not fair to football or boxing fans. Gambling houses are also taking a big hit from what the cult is doing.

The FBI knows what Madonna is doing, but has looked the other way to it, due to bribery (and the FBI is known for taking bribes: Inspector General's Report Reveals Over 50 FBI Agents Took 300 Bribes and FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating and Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases).

In the incident of the boxing match, the FBI did not want that boxer to win, as he was representing a foreign nation, against a local. The FBI even spied on the aforementioned boxer's training camp while he was in America for a few weeks. The FBI also dislikes the Premier League, as it is the top league in the world. The CIA and FBI have shown a great disdain for foreigners, as seen in a host of lawsuits against the agencies for discrimination and abusive conduct on foreign soil.

Previously, U.S. member of Congress, Bernie Sanders, publicly expressed his concern over the abuses the CIA and others in the federal government have engaged in against foreigners. The FBI’s conduct in this regard is further evidenced by speeches men such as former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, have given regarding “global domination” at all costs (Spying to Steal).

As I have stated on this site in the past, do not join the Kabbalah cult. The sect is going to fall (in courts of law and socially) and you and your families will end up legally ruined and destroyed in many ways in forthcoming global developments. Stay away from them. Avoid this sick cult at all costs, lest you end up losing everything you've worked for because of your association with them.


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