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R. Allen Stanford Turns Himself In

...Feds Tell Him To Buzz Off

Guilty Conscience

May 1. 2009

R. Allen Stanford

Disgraced ponzi schemer, R. Allen Stanford, tried to cheat his way out of a humiliating perp walk today, by attempting to turn himself in to authorities in Houston, Texas. 

Video: Stanford Tries to Surrender, Is Denied The Associated Press


Corporate America's name is up in smoke thanks to folks like Madoff and Stanford, among others. Perp walks are necessary, lest the world adopts a greater view the U.S. government is complicit with crime.

It's all this special treatment that got the U.S. economy in this mess in the first place. The government granted impunity to serious criminals in Corporate America. You should have been perp walked and locked up a decade ago.

Stanford tries to surrender to federal authorities

HOUSTON (AP) — R. Allen Stanford, accused by federal regulators in a civil complaint of running an $8 billion investment fraud, tried to turn himself in to federal marshals in Houston on Thursday, but they didn't take him into custody because no warrant has been issued for him...

He said he wanted to avoid a "perp walk," in which an accused person is placed in handcuffs and escorted before the media...




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