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The FBI Abused Mentally Disabled Woman To The Point She Began Threatening To Kill Herself

October 9. 2020

FBI Director Christopher Wray

The FBI has established itself as a lawless law enforcement agency engaging in criminal acts of corruption, which have left many people dead. The FBI routinely destroy evidence to cover up their crimes against others. They commit more crimes than the criminals. FBI agents and officials have taken bribes (here and here and here).

Many things I have stated about the FBI later proved true (FBI And NSA Outed Again In New Court Ruling For Illegally Spying On People In America Confirming Previous Site Claims and Exclusives). I have no reason to lie about them. However, they have every reason to lie and engage in criminal cover-ups, as they are actively and heinously breaking the law in many cases.

FBI employees have falsified evidence in court cases (FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty To Lying To Judge And Falsifying Evidence To Spy On Political Adviser Carter Page In Acts Further Proving The FBI Is Completely Corrupt).

The racist FBI knowingly sent innocent men, overwhelmingly black, to death row for crimes the agency knew the accused did not commit (New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of).

The FBI has covered for many sick high profile pedophiles, when their congressionally sworn duty is to investigate and arrest them (FBI Agent Whistleblower States FBI Officials Ordered Him To Delete All Evidence Hillary Clinton Connected Congressman Anthony Weiner Is A Pedophile Sexually Pursuing A 15-Year-Old Girl and The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years Since The Time Of Robert Mueller).

The FBI even covered up the abominable, disgusting crimes of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, which they could have stopped from 2008, but interfered and corrupted the case in Palm Beach, Florida (click here for more information). It permitted one of America's biggest pedophiles to abuse and rape "thousands" of underage girls, as young as 12, over the course of another 11-years.

The FBI is the largest distributor of child porn on the internet, which is demonic, disgusting and very alarming (Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They Became The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn). They are victimizing children of terrible sex crimes all over again each time the vile images are shared.

Former FBI officials James Comey, Robert Mueller and Andrew McCabe are completely evil

So it should come as no surprise the FBI is criminally abusing and exploiting the mentally disabled. The FBI has been criminally exploiting and mentally abusing a mentally disabled woman in her 50s for political reasons. They so mentally abused and threatened her via an informer used as a handler, with the federal agency's full knowledge and participation, the mentally disabled woman became suicidal.

The FBI coerced a mentally disabled woman to spy on one of her relatives for political reasons. The FBI coerced the mentally disabled woman to secretly film and record a politically connected person in their home, in the agency's sick bid at gaining an undue and illegal edge in Congress.

The FBI's conduct is very sick and criminal in this regard. Not only did the FBI illegally obtain audio and video recordings secretly made inside the person's home by the mentally disabled woman, who did not understand what she was doing, where her relative discussed lawful political matters that the FBI seeks to criminally use against political figures, they also got illegal footage of the target in their underwear and night clothes by themself, not engaged in any wrongdoing. This is a very serious crime that spits in the face of the U.S. constitution.

When the insane FBI plot was discovered, the mentally disabled woman became suicidal, as she was so manipulated, bullied and threatened by the FBI informer and the FBI, who actively participated in and directed the criminal misconduct/abuses, she had a complete mental breakdown. The mentally disabled woman began screaming, crying and threatening to kill herself.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your tax dollars at work, doing nefarious nastiness like that, which violates every human rights law on the books in America and under United Nations laws. The FBI are sick human rights abusers. More on the aforementioned case in a future item, which will include names and places, as this criminal conduct by the FBI deserves to be fully exposed.

There is also a case regarding the FBI manipulating a mentally disabled man and getting him into terrible, dangerous situations that constitute criminal endangerment. This is but a small sampling of the disgraceful insanity the FBI has been taking billions from Congress to do to innocent people, and worse of all the most vulnerable in society - the disabled. It's not a good look at all. In fact, it is despicable and disgusting.

Previously, the FBI was rebuked by a judge in court for filming an underage child in a hotel room. The case was not about child porn or any type of abuse against a minor. It was centered on a man the FBI accused of committing another crime that is financially motivated. The FBI placed a hidden camera in his hotel room and recorded him talking on the phone, having dinner, changing his clothes, and lawfully caring for his child.

The unsuspecting man gave his child baths. He also dressed his child. These are things parents do. There was no suggestion or proof of any wrongdoing regarding the child. Yet there was the perverted FBI capturing footage of the child in the hotel room in various states of undress, which was a grotesque privacy violation that is illegal under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is as time will show one of the worst things to happen to America and the world. He has a lot of blood on his hands.

The FBI has massively transgressed all lines of moral decency in society, via secret programs where they have been perversely and secretly spying on people in their homes via audio and visual means, in various states of undress, and in other places privacy is to be expected, such as hotel rooms. The whole thing is sick and disgusting.

The FBI are perverted voyeurs and voyeurism is a serious crime. This makes the FBI sex offenders. And some FBI agents have been arrested for pedophilia and rape. So this is all the more alarming that the agency is spying on people in their homes. There is no way spying on people in their homes and hotel rooms can be legal and above board. It indicates psychopathy and sexual degeneracy.

The FBI is a disgrace and embarrassment to the U.S. government. Congress preaches to the American people and the world about the constitution and the right to privacy and security in one's homes. Yet the FBI are constantly and illegally doing nasty crap like spying on people in their homes, behaving like dirty degenerates instead of law enforcement. They are vile.

What is also alarming is over 30,000 people work for the FBI and at no point do any of them stop and say they should not be behaving like villains committing these sick crimes against the public. When you as a law enforcement agency, the FBI, are committing crimes against children and the mentally disabled, you are officially criminals of the highest order.

Then again, maybe I expected too much from the agency, the FBI, that murdered Nobel Prize winner Martin Luther King after sending him a sick and crazy letter ordering him to kill himself for daring to preach equality in America. This is a part of the problem. Law enforcement is supposed to be a force for good, but the FBI is stone cold evil, murderous, perverse and lawless.

For more on the FBI being perverts in spying on people in their homes, please see: Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims.


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