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U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Demanding A September 11th Style Commission To Investigate Why The January 6th Riots Happened At The Capitol

February 17. 2021

Nancy Pelosi

U.S. House Speaker, Nancy Pelsoi, is demanding a September 11th style commission be formed and paid for by the U.S. taxpayers, to determine why the January 6, 2021 riots occurred at the Capitol building. Pelosi and other lawmakers were almost killed by angry American citizens, when rioters took over the complex.

I can't believe this. Is she really this clueless. Speaker Pelosi, let me save you millions in taxpayer money - they hate you. That's why January 6, 2021 happened. Let me start by stating I don't agree with the riots that occurred, as people were injured and five died. I do not believe in anarchy. I do not believe in overthrowing governments. I believe the will of the people should prevail via an orderly, fair vote conducted with integrity. However, problems occurred with the 2020 election. Hence the riots. Still, violence is not the answer.

I don't understand how Pelosi is this separated from reality that she's doesn't see all the angry comments being sent to her Twitter page by members of the public on a daily basis. House Speaker Pelosi, put your last name into Twitter, select the "latest" tab and take a look at what is being stated. You may want to have a stiff drink first, which I read you're very fond of consuming.

How are you this tone deaf that you did not sense the public anger at your acts of insider trading, covered in the press for nearly a decade. How are you this tone deaf that you did not sense public anger at your luxurious lifestyle, funded by insider trading, while millions in the country suffer under the coronavirus.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has millions who hate him on the political left. He also has millions of supporters on the political right who love him, and you repeatedly engaged them in a war of words, even making comments on social networking (Twitter) and in interviews that ended up on You Tube. Guess what, Trump supporters saw it and are offended. Stop with the war of words against them. Speaker Pelosi, you are more than free to disagree with their political stance, but when you make hateful comments squarely directed at them, you should expect backlash from them.

Therefore, stop wasting taxpayer money on investigations and commissions into the January 6, 2021 riots. Over 200 people have been arrested and charged by prosecutors in connection with the January 6, 2021 riots. Why are you seeking to spend more money on top of that for a commission. It's part of the reason they hate you. You're constantly spending taxpayer money on things that on many occasions did not benefit the working class. Let the courts handle it, which they are currently doing, spending millions to investigate and prosecute.

What Congress needs to be concerned about is security. That's what you need to spend money on, as Trump supporters hate you, select lone wolfs hate you (the Timothy McVeighs and Theodore "Ted" Kaczynskis), and more seriously the FBI and CIA, who think they should be running the country, not Congress or the president, as I've stated previously on the site.

My words in this regard have proven true (An FBI Agent Orchestrated The January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming Previous Site Claims and The FBI Caught Lying By The Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous Site Claims and Democrats Announce Articles Of Impeachment Against President Donald Trump Again Over Capitol Riots While The FBI's Conduct Endangers The Legislature Confirming Previous Site Claims). The latter is your biggest problem, but you just don't fully see it.


Nancy Pelosi Enlists Retired Military General To Assist With Congressional Security After Riots Confirming Previous Site Claims



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