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Site Note: Madonna's hacker has been tampering with the sites again. Sorry for the inconvenience. Last week, said hacker began erasing items from the Judiciary Report, which I put back online. He has been tampering with the font and color on the sites, via hacking and planting bad code. He's been spamming the sites with fraudulent emails. He crazily un-added dozens of people on my Twitter page, during a hack into my computer, then tried to stop me from using the site by illegally moving the mouse's cursor and freezing it. He also defaced the article "China Launched New Stealth Bomber To Protests From U.S. Press" to state "China Launched New Steal Bomber To Protests From U.S. Press." What kind of psychotic behavior is that. Why are those people in Kabbalah so sick and desperate.     

Obama Implores Businesses To "Hire And Invest"

 February 7. 2011

Barack Obama

President, Barack Obama, made an appearance today at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today, hoping to spur hiring among the nation's top companies. U.S. unemployment remains stubbornly high and national revenues are down. Obama addressed the gather, imploring them to hire and invest. 

However, as the Judiciary Report stated two days ago, in the February 5. 2011 article "The U.S. Economy Takes Another Negative Turn" businesspeople are "nervous" about "investing" and "hiring" due to the government's current, costly economic plan that is not panning out. The head of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Ben Bernake, also made an about face and warned last week against the slow pace at which the economy is adding jobs, as it is derailing any possible recovery. 


Obama Presses Business Leaders to Hire and Invest


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