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Prince William Stated The Royal Family Is Not Racist But History Says Otherwise (Videos)

March 12. 2021

Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, also known as Waity Katy, made an appearance at an east London school, in a bid to shore up their image, after a very damaging tell-all by his brother, Prince Harry, and sister-in-law, Meghan Markle, alleging the royal family is racist.

Harry and Meghan being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey

When asked if he has spoken to his brother in the wake of the interview William responded, “No I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I will do.” When asked if his family is racist William stated, “We are very much not a racist family.”

William and Kate with grim looks on their faces since the Prince Harry and Meghan interview calling out the racism in the royal family

While William has not been involved in any racism scandals to date and I'm not trying to make him feel bad, there are many royals who have been, which has given them a well-deserved image of being a racist family. The racism in the royal family is undeniable and nauseating at this point and should not be taken lightly.

Take for example, Princess Michael of Kent. In 2017 she deliberately greeted Meghan Markle wearing a slave broach to be nasty and insulting (Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle). That could not have been me. I would have flatout stated to her in front of everyone, "So, I take it from your broach you're a slavetrader."

Prior to that incident, Princess Michael of Kent slammed black people in America, insanely telling a group of African-American people at a top New York restaurant to, "Go back to the colonies (Africa)."

Princess Michael of Kent's father was also in Hitler's army. She has espoused Nazism on more than one occasions, in conduct that is very alarming. Her behavior is absolutely revolting. Where did the royal family find this woman.

The late Queen mum, who had slurs for many ethnic groups, was a complete racist. So much so, it was written about in the British newspapers and a book, which correctly branded her a racist. She even warned people to “beware of blackamoors” (black people). I think it's black people that should have been aware of her, you know, with colonialism and the slave trade, and all, which the royals supported for generations.

The Guardian newspaper in London revealed the late Queen Mum infamously issued ethnic slurs for non-Anglo Saxons in stating Italians are "Dagos" and "Wops" (thugs). The Queen Mum slammed Britain's allies in the European Union by stating, "It will never work, you know...it will never work with all those Hunds, wops and dagos."

The pedophile Prince Andrew, who is mixed up in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, is another racist. He referred to black people as "nig*gers in the woodpile" (Former British Home Secretary Reveals Prince Andrew Used The Racial Slur Nig*er). What a ghastly slur. One of the most offensive I have ever read. Who thinks up crap like that. It's sickening.

Even Andrew's daughter's name Eugenie, sounds like Eugenics, which is the white supremacist view that is Hitler's Aryan beliefs on genetics. Hitler believed white, blue eyed Anglo-Saxons are superior and tried to eradicate people who did not have said features. Hitler killed millions of Jewish people and the disabled.

Another example of the racism in the royal family would be Prince Philip, who has slurred Asians as “slitty-eyed”, black people in the Caribbean as all descending from pirates, while labeling others “darkie.” He has issued so many slurs people have lost count. Prince Philips sisters were also Nazis and they had a hand in raising him.

Then there's the terrible video of the Queen and her family heiling Hitler when she was a child. The Queen's uncle, King Edward, also took photos with Hitler, espousing his admiration for the evil, mass murdering lunatic, who cost so many people their lives.

Prince Charles repeatedly referred to a dark skinned friend of an ethnic minority as “sooty” for which he got into trouble in the press. He slurred a journalist from Manchester regarding her ancestry (The Top Black Television Network BET Slams Prince Charles Over Racist Comment In The Lead Up To Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Wedding and Prince Charles Makes Racist Slur About Journalist And It Provokes Public Outrage).

The racism runs very deep in the royal family. It's not your run of the mill racism. It's Nazism and Eugenics. It surfaced again when they met biracial black woman, Meghan Markle, who married into the royal family, and a senior royal kept offensively asking how dark the then unborn baby Archie would be. Meghan is black and Jewish. Two groups that people with Nazi beliefs despise. Is there any wonder she had such a terrible time in the royal family.

At the end of the day, the royal family lives in an archaic world and are out of touch with reality. They are taking this royalty thing too seriously. The days when they ran things are over, as all authority was stripped from them. They are now figureheads and a tourist attraction. The country is run by the prime minister and parliament. I'm being very blunt in this article, as the racists in the royal family need to get off their high horse and stop treating people badly.


Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle

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Meghan Markle And Kate Middleton Are Being Pitted Against Each Other



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