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The Daily Mail Blames China And Black Lives Matter For Prince William And Kate Middleton's Poor Reception In The Caribbean

March 23. 2022

Kate Middleton and Prince William in Jamaica this week

Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are currently on a tour of some of the Caribbean countries that are a part of the Commonwealth of Nations (Jamaica, Belize and the Bahamas). The United Kingdom is head of the Commonwealth.

The couple have been met with a very poor reception. They have been the subject of protests on each island. A trip to an indigenous tribe in Belize had to be scrapped due to the denouncement from the villagers, who labeled the royal family colonizers who are not welcome.

The Daily Mail newspaper in London is blaming the poor reception on communist China's financial investments in the Caribbean, and separately the left-leaning, American movement, Black Lives Matter. China nor Black Lives Matter are to blame for what has occurred regarding William and Kate's visit to the Caribbean.

The following is not directed at the British people. It is directed at select individuals, such as Kate Middleton, Princess Michael of Kent and former Prime Minister David Cameron, among a few others, who have engaged in racist and offensive behavior that is highly questionable, and made the Caribbean question and reevaluate the idea of the Commonwealth. These select individuals are the reason for the poor reception in the Caribbean.

The protests occurred squarely due to select individuals' treatment of black people, which has been witnessed by many and recorded in the press. The royal family's terrible treatment of mixed race black woman, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, and her son Archie, was particularly appalling for people of color all over the world.

Firstly, Princess Michael of Kent, a freeloading, arrogant witch living off British taxpayers money, has offended black people time and time again with her racist, bad behavior. Princess Michael greeted Meghan wearing a slave broach. I'm still angry about that. Who does that lecherous Nazi think she is doing something like that (her dad was in Hitler's army). She is a lecherous witch. She slept her way into money and now she thinks she is better than others.

She married into the British royal family for money, as her lot were basically chucked out in a then Nazi Germany, where she was born in Karlsbad. She has been living lavishly thanks to the British taxpayers and had the gall to greet Markle with racism. Her husband, Prince Michael, is the Queen's cousin and have "grace and favour" lodging, which means they live for free in luxury royal apartments in palaces. They are not senior royals, but Prince Michael has given so much trouble.

It wasn't the first time she had engaged in racist behavior that brought shame and bad publicity on the royal family. She flew all the way to New York for some reason or another, and put on a racist display in a restaurant, as she was enraged that black people were dining next to her. The restaurant was loud with talking and laughter, as many eateries are, but Princess Michael used it as an excuse to be abusive to a table of black executives and a television host. She got up from her chair, slammed her fist down on their table and insanely told them to "go back to the colonies" meaning Africa.

Princess Michael's behavior was trashy, tacky, low class and graceless. The woman is a royal and has no manners. She is disgracefully to have represented the royal family and by default, Britain, in this manner. She should have been stripped of all titles. She needs to know her place. She is a minor royal in a supporting role, paid for by the longsuffering taxpayers.

To let that ego and racism cut loose, unleashing it on black people all over the place, is ghastly and vulgar. She is a walking example of poor judgment and bad publicity. If the royal family were a corporation Princess Michael would have been fired and sued for the damage inflicted to the brand.

Kate Middleton and Prince William were met with protests in the Caribbean this week

Then, there's Kate Middleton. When Meghan arrived, Kate decided to act like a common, petty, jealous diva, because Meghan took some of the spotlight that she, Kate, did not wish to share. The enormous support and favorable public reception and affection for Harry and Meghan came as a big shock to most people. Throngs of people began showing up at their public appearances.

Rather than being happy the royal family's demographic was being significantly expanded, due to Meghan being a person of color, Kate behaved like a bully. She snapped at Meghan the week of her wedding to Prince Harry, which made Meghan cry. Kate also indulged in even more selfishness, such as leaking terrible stories to the press blaming Meghan for things Kate had done to her.

Kate wanted the spotlight all to herself. So, being the self-centered, self-serving, social climbing person she is, she decided to make life miserable for Meghan, a black woman she deemed beneath her and unworthy of the same public attention. This did not reflect well on the monarchy to the tens of millions of black people in the Commonwealth. It came across as mean, cruel and racist. Kate has mental health issues to have done this to Meghan. She has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and racial issues.

Another sad thing is if William loses his title, Kate would dump him in a heartbeat. She doesn't view her three children as kids, but at titles and objects. Nonetheless, Kate and William need to get things right for the sake of their children.

Prince Charles is alleged to be the member of the royal family who expressed concern regarding what color Harry and Meghan's son Archie would be, as disclosed during a television interview with talk show host, Oprah Winfrey. Archie was also denied a title and protection. Meanwhile, other royals of Archie's standing were furnished with a title and security detail.

Then there's David Cameron. He descends from slavetraders, who owned over 160 slaves in Jamaica during slavery. In 2015, whilst in office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Cameron disgracefully decided to fly 9-hours to insult the people of Jamaica, during an offensive speech he gave in the local Parliament. Cameron gave a terrible speech that offended the whole island of 3,000,000 people. Instead of a goodwill visit, Jamaica received insults, arrogance, condescension and a patronizing speech from Cameron.

The island had long forgiven Britain for slavery, then here comes Cameron digging up old wounds and spitting in Jamaica's face. The gist of the speech was get over slavery and move on, already. Never mind much of Britain's wealth came from slavery. It built London and many other towns in Britain.

Can you imagine someone telling the Jews to get over the Holocaust and stop bringing it up, already. The Jews would get that person cancel and turned into a pariah. Yet, Cameron saw it fit to tell nearly 2,800,000 black people whose ancestors were criminally stolen and forced from Africa, packed like sardines in crates on ships for 2-weeks, left to urinate and defecate on themselves, thrown overboard and fed to sharks if they died during the journey, then tortured on an island (Jamaica) as slave labor, to get over slavery, already.

The wealth and labor of Jamaica was stolen during slavery, and it's happening again in something Cameron gave approval to as Prime Minister, but you know, shut up and get over it, already (sarcasm). The BBC and others such as Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller, are still engaging in slavetrading, via criminally stealing preexisting intellectual property belonging to Jamaicans, to the tune of billions.

One of Cameron's predecessors, the late Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, also ripped off Jamaica regarding natural resources and labor, in reference to bauxite, among other things. In the 1980s Thatcher and then U.S. President, Ronald Reagan, coordinated and conspired in an exploitation scheme, then refused to pay then-Jamaican Prime Minister, Michael Manley, the fair market value for the bauxite, among other national, natural resources.

They bullied him and behaved like Jamaica was still a slaveport ripe for criminal exploitation. They harassed him, ripped off Jamaica, threatened to crush the country, and tried to destroy his premiership for daring to peacefully insist black people should be paid fair market value for our resources and fair wages.

Then, there's the horrible Windrush scandal, which occurred a few years ago under Cameron's successor and former Home Secretary, Theresa May, in which she inflicted human rights abuses on black Britons of Caribbean descent. May destroyed all records of their lawful landing in Britain (landing cards), when their arrivals had occurred at the invitation of the British government after World War II,  to help rebuild the nation and stem labor shortages as many Britons had died in the war.

Then, May fraudulently sent out 100,000 deportation letters to people who were previously told they are British citizens, as they are from the Commonwealth and settled there to aid in rebuilding efforts. Some Caribbean people died from the stress and injustice May inflicted on them, which are serious sins staining her wretched soul.

So yea, these offenses add up. Don't be surprised that people get tired of the abuse and racism, and simply don't want to see symbols of said offensive behavior, such as Kate Middleton.

Once again, this is not directed at the British people in general, as they are welcome in the Caribbean. Just the above named individuals, like David Cameron and Theresa May, among a few others others, who have treated Caribbean people and other black people very disdainfully, rubbing salt in the wounds of minorities. You can't abuse people and expect applause from your victims for it.


Jamaicans and Belizeans protest Prince William and Kate Middleton during their Caribbean tour over the royal family's racist past

Mon, March 21, 2022, 5:56 PM·- Prince William and Kate Middleton are facing protests on their Caribbean royal tour. Protesters are calling out the monarchy's colonial and racist past. To many, the tour seems to celebrate British imperialism rather than condemn it.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's latest royal tour is off to a rocky start. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are currently on a weeklong royal tour of the Caribbean countries that are part of the Commonwealth — Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. The tour is part of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, and a press release from the palace states William and Middleton hoped to see how the pandemic impacted these nations during their trip, as well as meet as many locals as they can.

But multiple protests over the royal family's racist and colonial roots are becoming the focus of the tour.
Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal tour has been disrupted by protests. William and Middleton had to cancel the first stop of the tour in Belize on Saturday after locals organized a protest against the royals.

The royals were given permission to land their helicopter on a soccer field that is currently embroiled in a land dispute between Belize citizens and Flora and Fauna International (FFI), a conservation group that lists Prince William as a patron, Reuters reported. According to the outlet, the FFI has property near the village's "communal land," which has created issues between the groups.

Protesters carried signs that read, "Prince William leave our land," "Not your land, not your decision," and "Colonial legacy theft continues with Prince & FFI," according to Reuters. Youth leader Dionisio Shol also told The Times of London that the interactions between the organizers of the event and villagers felt "very colonial in nature."...


The Caribbean paradises replacing the Queen with Chinese millions: How BLM-inspired fury is driving Jamaica, Belize and Bahamas to cut ties with UK over slave past... after region took $7BN in Far East funds

Published: 10:32 EDT, 23 March 2022 | Updated: 12:14 EDT, 23 March 2022 - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's tour of the Caribbean has been overshadowed by protests focused on the legacy of the British Empire and slavery in the region.

In Jamaica – the second stop on the eight-day visit – demonstrators in the capital Kingston accused the couple of benefiting from the 'blood, sweat and tears of slaves' and called for reparations to be paid.

The couple were also forced to cancel a visit to a cacao farm shortly after arriving in Belize following residents' anger that they weren't consulted about the football pitch earmarked for the landing of their helicopter.

And in the Bahamas, which William and Kate arrive in tomorrow, the country's national reparations committee has called on the royal couple to acknowledge that the British economy was 'built on the backs' of past Bahamians.

In each nation – all of which were once part of the British Empire and are now Commonwealth countries – there is a complicated history of slavery that has contributed to varying amounts of ill-feeling towards the Royal family and the UK.

In Jamaica alone, hundreds of thousands of African slaves were shipped by Britain from the 17th century onwards and forced to work in brutal conditions on sugar plantations. That legacy has contributed towards a growing desire to remove the Queen as head of state in the country, which became independent from Britain in 1962.

The shift away from British influence has been hastened by the flooding in of Chinese investment into the region that amounts to at least $7billion since 2005. At least $450million of Chinese money has been spent in the Bahamas, $490million in Barbados, $1.9billion in Trinidad and Tobago and $2.7billion in Jamaica.

The calls for change were made stronger by the global Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the murder of black man George Floyd at the hands of police in the U.S. in May 2020.

Anti-royal sentiment in the Caribbean was most recently demonstrated with the government of Barbados's decision last November to become a republic by removing the Queen as head of state. The history of the slave trade and Britain's role in it in Barbados played a part in that decision.


Prince William and Kate Middleton scrap Caribbean engagement amid local protests

Published: 5:02am, 20 Mar, 2022 - Updated: 5:02am, 20 Mar, 2022 - Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate arrive in Belize on Saturday for a week-long Caribbean tour that was marred by a local protest before it even began amid growing scrutiny of the British Empire’s colonial ties to the region.

The arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge coincides with the celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s 70th year on the throne, and comes nearly four months after Barbados voted to become a republic, cutting ties with the monarchy but remaining part of the British-led Commonwealth of Nations...



Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle

Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)



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