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Yemen Terror Plane Could Have Exploded In UK Or US 

October 31. 2010

The alleged Al Qaeda plot, regarding sending ink cartridges containing explosives, via UPS cargo plane, from Yemen to the midlands, in Britain and separately America, highlights two things. Firstly, as the Judiciary Report stated last year, terrorists have a fixation with the midlands in Britain. 

MI6 intercepted terror plot using an asset 

The comment was made in the March 29, 2009 Judiciary Report article, "EU Panel Slams British PM Gordon Brown" where the site stated, "What is going on in the Midlands? So much anti-British sentiment from pro-terrorism people. Something very bad is going to come out of there if the government does not clamp down on that." 

 Incompetent FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller (left) and U.S. President Barack Obama (right). There could be a weapon of mass destruction up Mueller's butt and he still wouldn't know where to find it!

Secondly, Yemen, has truly become a terrorist hotbed. It is troubling that Homeland Security and the FBI missed this most recent plot, which was intercepted by MI6 in Britain. Many hoped with Barack Obama in office, it would strengthen America's ties in the Muslim world and lead to more terrorist tips, to avert disaster, but it has not, due to the damage former president, George W. Bush, caused in the region. Middle Eastern Muslims are still angry over Bush's conduct and taking it out on America and its allies.  



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