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FBI Agent Arrested Again In Girls' Toilet

January 20. 2011 

 Remember a few years ago, on May 26. 2007, the Judiciary Report published an article entitled "FBI Agent Busted Masturbating In Women's Bathroom." Shortly after, the vile spokeswoman for the Los Angeles FBI office, contacted me whining and barking about the photo I used for the article. 

She stated the photo is of a real agent, which I honestly did not know, as a number of other sites used it as a stock photo and for worse things than I did. Never mind the other sites did not take the photo down or report they were contacted by the FBI. When I asked for a photo of the agent that had been arrested, she refused to provide one, as they were still in cover up mode regarding the sexual predator in their employ. He was convicted in court by the State and lost his job.

Well, that same agent the FBI tried to cover for got into trouble again. The 36-year-old FBI agent, Ryan Seese, was arrested a few months ago for hiding in a stall of the girls' toilet at Heresy Middle School in Pennsylvania. Seese was caught peering over the top of an adjacent stall, spying on a 14-year-old minor as she used the toilet. He was busted by surveillance tapes. 

It's amazing that FBI agents have been outed and arrested as murderers, pedophiles, voyeurs, thieves, bribe takers and wife beaters. Yet, Congress allows them to handle the law enforcement duties of the nation. Criminals trying to catch criminals.


Pedophiles At The FBI

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