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Madonna Accused Of Sexualizing Kids

August 11. 2010


Vile pop star Madonna, is being slammed in the press for sexualizing kids via her stolen fashion line "Material Girls." Madonna pilfered a wholesome, preexisting, copyrighted 2008 fashion line, raised the hemlines, tightened the tops and trousers and added slashes and tears in the clothes, she is marketing to teens, in what can only be described as severe mental illness and utter under achievement. 

Madonna and Taylor Momsen at a photo shoot for "Material Girls" fashionline

Madonna has never done anything original, decent or altruistic in her life, being a self-centered, depraved degenerate, so why anyone would expect anything good from her is a mystery. She is set in her evil ways and will do anything for money, even if it means corrupting your kids.


People need to boycott the "Material Girls" fashion line, for theft and attempting to dress people's impressionable kids like prostitutes on the stroll. Madonna's actions have hints of pedophilia. 

Taylor Momsen

16-year-old Taylor Momsen, the alleged actress, fronting the "Material Girls" fashion line, is sexually active, a drug user and chain smoker, who could easily be mistaken for a teenage prostitute (see photo above).



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