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Madonna Has Many People In Entertainment And Sports Under Illegal Surveillance (Including Their Families)

January 7. 2021

The ugly gremlin Madonna

Madonna continues her criminal madness in the entertainment and sports industries. She continues to stalk men and women who do not want her. She does so using private investigators and other people called "chevre" which are individuals at her Kabbalah cult, who have been brainwashed into severe mental illness, and do whatever she tells them to, even criminal acts.

Some of Madonna's "chevre" have been arrested for assault, murder, burglary, hacking and large scale drug dealing to make money for her Kabbalah cult (that ended up in her greedy pockets). She continues with grand scale charity fraud as well (Madonna Is Criminally Committing Charity Fraud Using Malawi's Name To Raise $100,000,000 In Donations And Only Using 5% Of The Money On The Impoverished African Nation Keeping The Rest For Herself).

Madonna is currently violating the privacy of individuals in America, Britain, Canada, Portugal, France, Spain and the Caribbean, and their families (which include underage children) via a group of psychotic hackers she pays to break into computers/webcams, email accounts, mobile phones, smart TVs/cable boxes and security cameras belonging to private citizens, government, credit card companies, banks, mortgage companies, lotteries, university websites and vehicle navigation companies. Madonna's Hollywood cult is nothing but a criminal enterprise.

Madonna is still doing what fellow Kabbalah member Harvey Weinstein did when he was free, in using scores of private investigators and "chevre" thugs to spy on, harass, terrorize, exploit and abuse innocent people (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims). Weinstein is now in prison for rape (Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 23-Years In Prison In New York Rape Trial (Video)).

Madonna is a nasty, hard up, dirty old voyeur that gets off on secretly spying on people in their homes and businesses. She is extremely depraved and sick. Madonna is also a massive thief that procures intellectual property, insider trading information and lottery information via commissioned hacking, for undue financial enrichment.

People in Hollywood know Madonna, much like Weinstein, are connected to the mafia and capable of commissioning extreme violence and acts of murder [Music Industry And The Mafia and 'Lord Of The Rings' Director Sir Peter Jackson Exposes Harvey Weinstein As Having Blacklisted Actresses Ashley Judd And Mira Sorvino For Not Allowing Him To Rape And Sexual Assault Them (Mafia Claims)].

Madonna has already commissioned acts of violence and murder. Weinstein infamously wanted to have actress Jennifer Aniston murdered (Court Documents Reveal Harvey Weinstein Wanted To Have Jennifer Aniston Murdered).

For instance, there is a singer whom Madonna has been threatening and blackmailing in reference to her son. Madonna threatened her son's life and exposed him to public humiliation on the internet. Madonna has this woman stating and writing all sorts off off key items on social networking that are unethical and illegal, as it was gained by Madonna through criminal invasion of privacy. She is implicating her in serious crimes that will end up in Congress.

Madonna engineered this woman's fall in the 1990s, out of jealousy, as the woman and her husband were basically running the entertainment industry via their label and music productions. She was also a close friends of one of Madonna's top rivals, whom Madonna had a horrific jealousy towards, Whitney Houston. Madonna became jealous and decided to destroy the woman's career, company and marriage. It caused the woman a great deal of distress and trauma. Now Madonna has been targeting the woman again with all sorts of criminal threats and blackmail.

Madonna has also been targeting the girlfriend of a very famous athlete, demanding she tweet out questionable items on Twitter. The items Madonna has the woman tweeting is implicating her in serious crime, as the source of it came from time stamped emails and other provable sources that show Madonna copied and forwarded the information in violation of the law. Madonna is a complete lunatic and will be the downfall of these people and others she has spooled into the her madness.

She also continues to contact athletes she reads about on blogs and social networking as having signed big deals or being in line to do so. Madonna then contacts them about joining her cult, spies on them and makes extortion attempts for huge sums of money. She targeted Alex Rodriguez in this manner, as well as basketball players, boxers and football players in Britain and Europe.

Madonna is still targeting young, straight athletes, demanding they join her cult and engage in the imitation of gay sex at hotels. Some have been forced into it, as she spied on them via hackers and stalkers, know all their private business and threatened some of their families. As stated previously on the site, the cult has members on tape having gay sex against their wishes, also known as rape.

There is a young athlete she has been harassing for months, demanding he have sex at a hotel with a very famous, bearded, single male rapper/actor (that women are chasing after not realizing the rapper is gay). The young athlete Madonna is harassing and demanding he have sex with the famous light skin rapper, as an initiation into the cult, is not gay and has become suicidal at what she is demanding he do. Furthermore, the cult secretly films these sex acts.

There are sex tapes floating around Hollywood of Kabbalah cult initiations that were secretly filmed, which contain straight people having gay sex, in situations they were forced into by those lunatics in the sect like Madonna.

Madonna claims she was rape (I don't know why anyone would want to rape that). Yet, she has been going around commissioning rapes and sexual assaults against innocent people (Madonna Has Been Arranging Rapes And Sexual Assaults Of People She Illegally Has Under Surveillance).

I predict Madonna's criminal conduct is going to get the FBI, among others in the U.S. government, in a serious, significant amount of international trouble for having allowed her to run loose and commit very serious crimes not just in America, but in other nations as well. And my predictions routinely happen (see: exclusives).


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