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The Same Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Who Ignored Credible Tips From The Russian Government Warning Of The Boston Marathon Bombers Before They Killed Innocent People Is Now Claiming Donald Trump Colluded With The Russian Government But Has No Proof

April 16. 2018

Then FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the deadly Boston marathon bombing that killed 4 innocent people, including an 8-year-old boy. The terrorist attack also left over 270 innocent people injured. Former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, was warned 2-years in advance by the Russian government that immigrants Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had become radicalized terrorists, who were planning a deadly atrocity in America. Russian government wiretaps in their nation had picked up conversations coming into Russia from the brothers in America, indicating they were planning deadly terrorists acts.

Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev  

Mueller ignored the credible warnings, as he did in so many other cases at the FBI, resulting in the deaths of scores of innocent people. This is the same Mueller that likes to tout having been on the job one week before the September 11th terrorist attacks occurred in America. However, prior to Mueller's official first week, he was at the FBI for months during orientation.

Mueller was at FBI headquarters ignoring credible warnings of terrorist behavior in Florida. An FBI agent, Harry Samit, warned FBI headquarters over 70 times that a local immigrant, Zacarias Moussaoui, man was planning a very terrible terrorist attack against America, via hijacking an airplane (Moussaoui, a known Al Qaida terrorist member was training for it in Florida via flight lessons).

Mueller ignored it. Then, Moussaoui and his cohorts went on to commit the September 11th terrorist attacks, which killed 3,000 people. It was a terrible day in American history and one that could have been prevented sparing all those lives, had Mueller done his job. However, Mueller and company refused Special Agent Samit's repeated requests for a search warrant regarding Moussaoui.

The FBI under Mueller had a long, sordid history of ignoring credible tips about crimes that were about to happen, resulting in thousands of people dying (see "RELATED ARTICLES" below for further details). The same Mueller who ignored the Russian government's credible warning about the Tsarnaev brothers planning a terrorist attack on America (which they went on to do as stated above) is now swearing up and down that Russia is colluding with U.S. President Donald Trump. This is despite the fact former FBI Director James Comey stated Trump is not a target of the investigation and the FBI and Congress found no evidence of collusion.

Mueller has spent millions in taxpayer money and has been unable to prove Trump colluded with Russia. Mueller is now trying to prosecute the president for allegedly committing adultery with Stormy Daniels (Trump denies it), which is not a crime. It wasn't a crime either when former U.S. President Bill Clinton committed adultery with Monica Lewinsky. However, when corrupt members of government want to get at a person, they will resort to anything, including criminalizing adultery.

Once gain, adultery is not a crime. Mueller is also a hypocrite, as he cheated on his wife twice with two younger women. Using the premise Mueller is operating under in trying to get at the president in any way he can, Mueller should be locked up for adultery.

The fact of the matter is Mueller came back to try to control the president, who is not going along with the status quo in Washington. Mueller did this in a bid at keeping his corrupt backside out of prison over serious crimes he committed at the FBI, which are slowly but surely coming to light. Mueller expected Clinton to be president, comfortable in the knowledge she would protect him regarding the abominable crimes he committed at the FBI, as he had engaged in massive cover-ups of crimes she committed that the FBI was supposed to investigate and turn over to the Department of Justice to prosecute.

Mueller is going to end up dragging down Rod Rosenstein with him, for unleashing and inflicting madman Mueller on America a second time, once the full truth comes out about what he did at the FBI and the many innocent people who died because of it. He should also be locked up for embezzling and misappropriating taxpayer money at the FBI. Millions of dollars went missing at the FBI under Mueller during the computer system installation. 

In closing, anyone who can cheer on Mueller, after reading about his corrupt behavior that caused the deaths of many innocent people in a number of cases, is a godless fraud, with no sense of humanity or decency, just like him. As the Bible says, "you shall know them by their deeds" meaning you can tell whether a person is good or bad based on what they do, not what they say or who they claim they are as a person. Anyone can claim to be good, upstanding and even righteous, but if they do or support that which is evil, they too are evil. A wolf in sheep's clothing. It's that simple.

I personally know innocent people who died in Florida because of the corruption and criminal misconduct Mueller committed at the FBI. I am not going to stop exposing him until he is brought to justice for the crimes he committed at the FBI that led to the deaths of innocent people. Mueller is kidding himself that God is not going to severely punish him for his acts of deliberate criminal negligence and accepting bribes, in misdeeds that cost many innocent people their lives, and for engaging in acts of theft and squandering of of taxpayer money and private citizens' assets. You'll reap what you sowed. God has never failed.


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